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  1. 贺齐的一些客户因此撤回了资金,他们对他提供的投资服务表示不甚满意。

    Some of Mr. Hirsch 's clients pulled their money , grousing that he wasn 't serving them well .

  2. 现在,虽然他管理的客户资金减少了35%或者更多,“但没人再向我抱怨。”贺齐说,“他们不会追问我‘你对我的投资组合干了些什么?’他们只是问‘如今我们该干些什么?’”

    Today , though his clients ' portfolios are down 35 % or more , ' I 'm not getting complaints , ' Mr. Hirsch says . ' People aren 't asking , ' What did you do to my portfolio ? ' They 're asking , ' What do we do from here ? "