
  • 网络Loan quality;Asset quality
  1. 第四部分是制度与贷款质量之间相互关系的理论分析。

    Part four is the theory analysis of the interreaction between the institution and loan quality .

  2. 市场的不确定性增加,银行的贷款质量也受到影响,发放贷款必须更加谨慎。

    Uncertainties have affected loan quality and as a result drawn bankers ' prudent consideration in giving credits .

  3. 由于这部分按揭贷款质量欠佳,美国联邦住房管理局(FHA)已不得不为此支付保险赔偿金。

    Because the mortgages were weak , the FHA has been forced to honor insurance policies on the loans .

  4. 美国政府指控德意志银行及其子公司MortgageIT虚报部分按揭贷款质量,骗取政府担保,以便能以虚高的价格出售质量欠佳的按揭贷款。

    The government accused the bank and its subsidiary MortgageIT of lying about the quality of some mortgages that were to be insured by the government .

  5. 次级离子质谱分析法贷款质量五级分类办法

    Secondary ion mass spectrometry The five-category assets classification for bank loans

  6. 外部竞争也有利于改善信用社的贷款质量。

    Outside competition can help improve the quality of RCC loan portfolios .

  7. 论国有专业银行贷款质量问题

    An analysis of the Quality Problem for Specialized Bank Loans

  8. 贷款质量五级分类办法五级分类法划分贷款质量

    The five-category assets classification for bank loans

  9. 贷款质量与制度建设

    Quality of Loans and Institutional Improvement

  10. 制度与贷款质量之间存在着密切联系,制度决定贷款质量。

    Close ties exists between the institution and loan quality , the institution determines the quality of the loan .

  11. 确实如此,直到几年之后贷款质量开始变差为止。

    That is , until a few years down the line , when the loans start to turn sour .

  12. 所谓贷款质量已有提高的说法也与事实不符&国有银行最近的贷款增长,在很大程度上来自信贷评级较低的借款者。

    Claims that loan quality has improved conflict with evidence that lower-grade borrowers have provided much of the banks ' recent growth .

  13. 金融监管部门应加强对农村信用社的贷款质量、盈利水平和增资扩投效果的监管。

    Therefore , the financial supervision department should strengthen risk surveillance of RCCs'loan quality , profitability and the effect of expanding investment .

  14. 该制度在一定程度上提高了商业银行的新增贷款质量,有着以前个人审贷制度无法企及的优越性。

    Such system improves to some extent the quality of newly-increased loans and has incomparable advantage over individual inspection system in the past .

  15. 长期以来,中国银行按期限将贷款质量划分为正常贷款和不良贷款。

    For a long time , China 's loan quality is divided into normal and unsound categories in terms of the time limit .

  16. 在抗击通货膨胀、资产泡沫以及贷款质量恶化问题上,中国也始终扮演着同样重要的角色。

    It stands to play an equally important role in driving the fight against inflation , asset bubbles , and deteriorating loan quality .

  17. 对德州市农村信用社贷款质量、管理状况进行了客观的分析和评价。

    The objective analysis and evaluation on the loan quality and management of the rural credit cooperatives in Dezhou city have been given .

  18. 当然,实证部分同时将检验资本充足水平、贷款质量是否会影响商业银行的效率。

    Of course , the empirical part will also check capital adequacy level , the loan quality would affect the efficiency of commercial banks .

  19. 本文通过对企业财务指标的分析与选取,运用聚类分析法对我国企业的信用风险贷款质量进行了评估与预测。

    According to analysis and selection of finance indicators , the paper evaluates and predicts the quality of fiduciary loan risk by clustering methods .

  20. 当太阳击败了他们的小雕塑弯下腰下滑,贷款质量的一个短暂的安装已经非常冷静。

    As the sun beat down on the tiny sculptures they stooped and slumped , lending an ephemeral quality to the already very cool installation .

  21. 较之现行的方法,新方法在及时、准确、全面、客观地反映贷款质量上前进了一步。

    Compared with the existing method , the new method represents improvement in timely , accurately , comprehensively and objectively reflecting the quality of loans .

  22. 进而建立计量经济模型,从微观层面对影响我国商业银行经济效率的因素进行了回归分析,结果表明银行自由资本比例、贷款质量、人力资源质量和经营管理水平是影响银行经济效率的关键因素。

    The results indicate that several main factors affect banking efficiency , including bank capital adequacy , loan condition , human resource quality , and management level .

  23. 最大的问题在于,大量资本流出会降低银行存款,暴露大量存在的银行贷款质量可疑的问题。

    The biggest problem is that much of the capital outflow would reduce bank deposits , exposing the dubious quality of much of the banks ' loan books .

  24. 次级系统涉及到特别贷款者的贷款质量,这个系统使赊贷历史和一个首要贷款者更大的贷款违约变得薄弱。

    The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers , who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers .

  25. 2001年底,中国人民银行决定从2002年起,正式在我国各类银行中全面推广贷款质量五级分类法。

    At the end of 2001 , the Peoples Bank of China decided to carry out widely in China from 2002 " five categories classification system " to loan quality .

  26. 但正如实体经济需求下降通常会出现的情况一样,家庭和企业贷款质量的周期性恶化即将到来。

    But as is typically the case with erosion on the demand side of the real economy , a cyclical deterioration in loan quality for households and businesses is coming .

  27. 各国学者分别从不同的角度来分析这种风险承担行为,比如银行公司治理中的代理问题、各国不同的制度环境、金融市场的不完全竞争、贷款质量管理动机等等。

    Most researchers analyze the banks ' behavior from the views such as agency problem , different environment , incomplete market , motivation of loan quality management and so on .

  28. 全面推行贷款质量五级分类方法,逐步成立金融资产管理公司,大幅度降低不良贷款比例。

    The five-category loan quality classification method will be applied on an overall basis . Assets management companies ( AMCs ) will be gradually set up and substantially reduce the proportion of NPLs .

  29. 商业银行从今年开始要全面实行贷款质量五级分类制度,改进信息披露。

    Beginning this year , commercial banks will implement , in an all-round way , the system of classifying the quality of loans into five grades while improving their work in release of information .

  30. 因而必须要能够充分利用外部发展机会,及时克服内部的不足,使其弱势进一步减少,而提高贷款质量。

    And therefore must be able to make full use of external development opportunities , within a timely manner to overcome the shortcomings of its vulnerable to further reduce , and improve loan quality .