
dài kuǎn qī xiàn
  • Loan Term;term of a loan;length of maturity;maturity period of a loan
  1. 银行贷款期限倾向于中长期贷款,但目前短期贷款的增速高于中长期贷款。

    The length of maturity tends to medium and long term loan . But the increasing speed is slower than short term loan in recent years .

  2. 如遇中国人民银行调整利率计息,在贷款期限内仍按合同利率执行。

    In case the People 's Bank of China adjusts the interest rate , the contracted interest rate is still adopted within the length of maturity .

  3. Duration是以月为单位的贷款期限。

    Duration is the duration of the loan in months .

  4. 美联储还缩短了部分贴现窗口贷款期限,并提高了向银行提供隔夜资金的短期拍卖工具(termauctionfacilities)最低竞价。

    The Fed also shortened the term of some discount window loans and raised the minimum bid in the term auction facilities it uses to supply overnight funds to banks .

  5. efsf将把贷款期限延长至15至30年,同时降低贷款利率。

    The EFSF will extend its loan periods to between 15 and 30 years , and lower its interest rates .

  6. 短期流动性工具(slf)项目下的贷款期限应延长至12个月,可至多展期24个月,动用不超过10倍的限额。

    Loan maturities under the short-term liquidity facility programme should be expanded to 12 months , renewable up to 24 months , with disbursements of up to 10 times quota .

  7. 这些互换通常超过了贷款期限。

    These swaps often extend well beyond the life of the loan .

  8. 贷款期限为15年。

    The term of the loan is fifteen year .

  9. 贷款期限范围超过2年。

    A loan rarely extends beyond two years .

  10. 贷款期限最长为30年。

    The maximum loan term is30 years .

  11. 升高的债务成本迫使许多贷款期限过长者放弃履约,借贷者从而收回这些房屋。

    Rising debt costs could force many overstretched homeowners to default and their lenders to foreclose .

  12. 平均贷款期限是12个月,平均利率大约23%。

    The average term is twelve months . And the average interest rate is almost twenty-three percent .

  13. 银行同意在我在校就读期间推迟我的偿还贷款期限。

    My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I 'm still a student .

  14. 你可能有一些额外的现金促使你点时间缩短贷款期限。

    You may be having extra cash at some point of time prompting you to shortening the loan duration .

  15. 另外,贷款期限已在当前的3年基础上延长,可能是无限期的延长。

    Furthermore , the terms of the loans have been extended beyond their current three years , perhaps indefinitely .

  16. 欧洲央行担保的无上限贷款期限从一周增加到半年。

    The European Central Bank ( ECB ) guaranteed unlimited funds for up to six months instead of one week .

  17. 不过,贷款期限往往只有几个月,因此,对于典当行的贷款,企业也就欣然接受了。

    But the financing is only meant to be for a few months and businesses have lapped up the pawnshop loans .

  18. 此外,5年的贷款期限也比更发达的经济体各银行所能提供的期限更长。

    At five years , the term of the loan is also longer than anything on offer in more developed economies .

  19. 这种信用将会检查费时,从而增加了贷款期限内,将可供。

    Such credit checks will be time consuming , thus increasing the time within which loan proceeds will become available for use .

  20. 从贷款期限和偿债率来看,地方政府债务的贷款期限较长,偿债率较高。

    The loan period of the local government debt is long , and the debt service ratio local government debt is high .

  21. 就像那些优惠利率贷款期限已经终止的可怜购房人一样,目前以低利率发放的短期国债到期之后,政府也将面对类似的窘境。

    Just like homeowners who relied on teaser rates , the Government will face a similar problem when all its low-yielding short-term debt matures .

  22. 每月总共要支付230美元,那么在整个贷款期限里总利息会累积到7600美元左右。

    The total monthly payments would be $ 230 , and total interest would add up to about $ 7,600 over the loans ' life .

  23. 品德&诚实、正直、责任心以及贷款期限内还款的强烈愿望,这一切构成了款人的品德。

    Character & Honesty , integrity , responsibility , and strong desire to repay within the term of contact , all make up the character .

  24. 一张借据说明贷款期限,而如果属于国家合同法律,则允许向法院提出诉讼。

    A promissory note establishes the terms of the loan and allows action in a court of law if the provisions fall within state contract laws .

  25. 房地产市场具有周期性,并且贷款期限长,每笔贷款数额小,贷款人分散,这对习惯批发业务的我国商业银行来说是一个挑战。

    Real estate market is one market that has periodicity , individual housing mortgage has the following characteristics : long term , small amount , and lenders multiplicity .

  26. 对投资大、建设期长的基础设施项目,根据项目建设周期和还贷能力,适当延长贷款期限。

    For infrastructure projects that require huge investment and lengthy construction periods , the banks should extend the terms of loans in accordance with the construction period and repayment capacity .

  27. 将企业信用等级、企业行业、贷款期限、贷款方式引入贷款风险度中,提出了一种信用风险度量模型。

    Bring forward the method of credit risk measurement through introducing enterprise credit degree , enterprise trade , loan term and loan manner to loan risk degree for the first time .

  28. 与其把自己绑在30年固定抵押还贷上,不如想想短点贷款期限是不是更省钱——即使月付更高点。

    Instead of strapping yourself to a 30-year fixed mortgage payment , consider how much more affordable less house with a shorter loan term is - despite the higher monthly payment .

  29. 中小企业的融资成本高和贷款期限短,这在某种程度上要求政府发挥管理职能。

    The financing cost of the small business is high and terms of loans are short . To some extent , the government to give play to its function of management is required .

  30. 若为多张存单质押,以距离到期日时间最近者确定贷款期限,分笔发放的贷款除外。

    If the loan is based on more than one deposit certificates , the term of the loan shall be determined according to the earliest date of maturity , except for loans granted by installments .