
  • 网络loan pricing;loan-pricing
  1. 基于EVA价值管理的商业银行贷款定价问题研究

    Research on Loan Pricing of Commercial Bank Based on EVA Value Management

  2. 所以研究信用风险定价是研究科学贷款定价的突破口,KMV模型是被最广泛运用于度量商业银行的信用风险的模型。

    So studying the credit risk is the breakthrough about studying loan pricing . KMV model is the most widely used to measure credit risk .

  3. 中国加入WTO后商业银行将面临较大的信用风险,可从商业银行内部评级系统的构建,不同的贷款定价方式,资产分散化等几个方面来加以防范和解决。

    Against the potential credit risks of the commercial banks after China'accession to WTO , we should take precautions against and dispose of these risks by strengthening the construction of internal evaluation system , differentiating the loaning prices and dispersing the assets .

  4. 其次本文对随机前沿分析(SFA)方法进行简单介绍并分析利用其为微小贷款定价的原理与具体步骤。

    Secondly this paper presents an brief introduction of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis ( SFA ) Method , proposes the principles and processes applying this theory in microcredit pricing .

  5. 作者通过在阅读一系列文献、数据资料的基础上,引入KMV模型对借款企业进行信用风险分析,构建基于信用风险度量的商业银行贷款定价模型。

    Through a series of documents and data analysis , I chose KMV model to analyze credit risk by building loan pricing model based on the measurement of credit risk .

  6. 同时展现了基于KMV模型定价策略的优势,坦言劣势,给出该模型在我国的应用中的建议,力图寻求一个完善、实用、高效的商业银行贷款定价方式。

    KMV model also demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of pricing strategies . Then I put forward the suggestion about KMV model in application to find a perfect , practical and efficient loan pricing .

  7. 然后以KMV模型为切入点,也就是基于风险分析来讨论差异性定价策略,因而还需要系统阐述商业银行信用风险,再详细推导出KMV贷款定价模型。

    Then I need to systematically expound credit risk of commercial bank and deduce KMV loan pricing model in detail , because KMV model is based on a risk analysis to discuss the differential pricing .

  8. 最后总结得出,基于KMV模型对借款企业进行的贷款定价能够合理的反应某阶段企业的信用状况,综合得出的贷款利率也基本符合借款企业和贷款银行的经营发展趋势。

    Finally I concluded that KMV loan pricing model can be a rational response to the credit status of business in different stages and the result of lending rate is in line with the trends of company and bank .

  9. 基于客户关系的商业银行贷款定价研究

    Study on Commercial Bank 's Loan Pricing Based on Customer Relationship

  10. 仍有一些关键问题尚未得到解答,首先就是贷款定价问题。

    Crucial questions remain unanswered , above all on loan pricing .

  11. 基于违约概率和违约损失率的贷款定价研究

    Loan Pricing Based on Probability of Default and Loss Given Default

  12. 基于信用评级和违约概率的贷款定价研究

    Study on Loan Pricing Based on Credit Rating and Default Probability

  13. 我国商业银行贷款定价的最优化模型设计

    An Optimal Model Design for Pricing Loans by Our Commercial Banks

  14. 最后是一个比较详细的客户盈利程度分析模式的贷款定价案例分析。

    Finally there is a detailed case study of lending pricing .

  15. 基于信息不对称的银行贷款定价策略分析

    Loan Fixed Price Strategy Analysis for Banks Based on Information Asymmetry

  16. 贷款定价:从信用评级到经济资本

    Credit Pricing : From the Credit Rating to Economic Capital

  17. 西方银行贷款定价理论评述

    A Review of the Theories of Western Bank Loan Pricing

  18. 为此,本文在第六章进行了贷款定价的应用研究&基于风险定价的贷款组合决策研究。

    Chapter 6 is an application research of loan pricing .

  19. 贷款定价是指贷款价格的决定过程。

    Loan pricing refers to the process of making a loan price .

  20. 我国农村信用社贷款定价模式研究

    On Loan Pricing Model for China 's Rural Credit Cooperative

  21. 建立商业银行积极的贷款定价策略;

    Construct the strategy of positive pricing the bank loan ;

  22. 第二章发达国家农村信用社贷款定价方式。

    Secondly , it harms the Rural Credit Cooperative development .

  23. 固定支付利率的抵押贷款定价理论&限于在支付日提前支付或违约

    Pricing the Fixed-Rate-Mortgage Contracts - Limitting on Payment-dates to Prepay or Default

  24. 金融企业性质、法人治理与贷款定价&对农村信用社贷款利率浮动政策执行效果的实证分析

    On the Nature of RCCs , Corpo rate Governance and Loan Rate

  25. 有赎回权的住房反向抵押贷款定价模型的定量研究

    Quantitative research on the pricing of reverse mortgage with right of redemption

  26. 基于房产价值预测的反向抵押贷款定价模型

    The Reverse Mortgage Loan Pricing Model Based on the Real Estate Value Prediction

  27. 论我国国有商业银行贷款定价模型的构建

    The Design of Domestic Commercial Bank on Loan-Pricing Models

  28. 商业银行贷款定价策略和模型设计

    Loan Pricing Strategy and Model Design by Commercial Banks

  29. 固定支付利率抵押贷款定价的一般原理

    Principle of pricing the fixed - rate - mortgage

  30. 城市商业银行贷款定价策略

    Study on municipal commercial bank 's loan price making