
  1. 军队由中央侍卫军、擒生军和地方军三部分组成。中央侍卫军包括“质子军”、皇帝卫队和京师卫戍部队。

    The military forces comprised the imperial army , the " capture " army and local troops . The imperial army was divided into three groups that performed different duties .

  2. “质子军”人数约5000人,是由豪族子弟中选拔善于骑射者组成的一支卫戍部队,负责保卫皇帝安全,号称“御围内六班直”,分三番宿卫。

    The Zhizi Army was an elite force of 5 000 men who were excellent horsemen and archers . Chosen from aristocrat families , they were actually the armed escorts of the emperor and were on duty on three shifts a day in the palace .