
huò bì biǎn zhí
  • currency devaluation;currency depreciation;depreciation of currency
  1. 那些尚未加入欧元区的国家明白,货币贬值将会延缓它们拟议中成为欧盟(eu)成员国的进程。

    Those Eastern European countries that have not yet joined the euro know that currency depreciation would delay their planned European Union membership .

  2. 巴西市场占Arcos总销售额的一半以上。在巴西,货币贬值和消费放缓削弱了麦当劳的盈利,即使世界杯也未能扭转局面。

    In Brazil , which accounts for more than half of Arcos 's sales , currency depreciation and a slowdown in consumption , even during the World Cup last year , have eroded profits .

  3. 这个国家的货币贬值了3.5%。

    The country 's currency went down in value by 3.5 per cent

  4. 他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。

    He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week 's devaluation .

  5. 法国也坚决反对货币贬值。

    France is also set against devaluation .

  6. 一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。

    Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place .

  7. 货币贬值时,就无法鼓励人们储蓄。

    When money falls in value , there is no encouragement to save .

  8. 他们不愿让货币贬值,并非只与经济风险有关。

    Their reluctance is not simply to do with economic risk .

  9. 通货膨胀一词意味着货币贬值。

    The term inflation signifies a decline in the value of money .

  10. 在过去12个月中,尼日利亚饱受经济萎缩、货币贬值及燃料持续短缺之苦。

    In the past 12 months , Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy , a sliding currency , and a prolonged fuel shortage .

  11. 第一,这些国家实行的紧缩性财政政策对总需求和gdp具有抑制作用,却无法从货币贬值的扩张效应中得到弥补。

    First , the contractionary fiscal policies that are decreasing aggregate demand and GDP in these countries cannot be offset by the expansionary effects of currency devaluations .

  12. 巴西计划向世界贸易组织(wto)提议“汇率反倾销”措施,要求允许成员国对实施竞争性货币贬值的贸易伙伴予以反击。

    Brazil is set to propose an " exchange rate anti-dumping " measure to the world trade organisation that would allow countries to retaliate against trading partners that undertake competitive devaluations of their currencies .

  13. 希腊也没有办法让自己的货币贬值,就像他们在EMU成立之前会做的那样。

    Nor is there a way for Greece to devalue its currency , as it would have done in the pre-EMU days of the drachma .

  14. 汇丰银行(HSBC)特别强调指出了泰国和台湾向货币贬值政策的转变。最近,泰国自2007年8月以来首次买入美元,而台湾自今年4月以来首次买入美元。

    HSBC has highlighted a shift to depreciation policy , notably in Thailand and Taiwan , which recently bought dollars for the first time since August 2007 and April of this year respectively .

  15. 如果说二十国集团(G20)在哪一个领域具备了进行协作、以利于全球经济的条件,那就是汇率领域&因为一个国家的货币贬值,就意味着其它国家货币的升值。

    If ever there was an area ripe for Group of 20 co-ordination for the good of the global economy it would be currencies , since a depreciation for one is an appreciation for everyone else .

  16. 在imf标准的项目中,它会围绕财政纪律和结构改革设定条件,从而确保受援国不会滥用货币贬值措施,而是帮助该国回归到有能力偿还债务的可持续状态。

    In a standard IMF programme , it sets conditions around fiscal discipline and structural reform , to make sure a currency devaluation is not frittered away and instead returns a country to a sustainable position where it can pay down its debt .

  17. 货币贬值对森工产品国际收支影响浅析

    The impacts of monetary devaluation on international income of forest products

  18. 大范围的货币贬值并没有掀起一场全球经济灾难。

    Widespread currency devaluation never set off a global economic disaster .

  19. 首先,几乎所有的政府都同时希望实现货币贬值。

    First , almost every government wants to devalue at once .

  20. 当地货币贬值时,进口费用就会上升。

    When local currencies are devalued the cost of imports rises .

  21. 它还会使本国货币贬值,加剧通货膨胀。

    It also tends to weaken the currency and increase inflation .

  22. 美国也正在奉行货币贬值政策。

    America is also pursuing a policy of currency weakening .

  23. 因此,美元需要对新兴市场货币贬值。

    Thus the US dollar needs to depreciate against emerging market currencies .

  24. 疲软美元的鼓吹者认为,有必要进行更大幅度的货币贬值。

    Dollar bears argue that more currency depreciation is needed .

  25. 作为欧元区成员国,他们无法让货币贬值。

    As members of the eurozone , they cannot devalue .

  26. 浮动汇率制下货币贬值对贸易收支的长期影响

    The Long-term Effect of Devaluation on Trade Payment under Floating Exchange Rate

  27. 这种说法的错误在于,他们想象货币贬值是无痛苦的。

    The mistake is to imagine devaluation would be painless .

  28. 包括韩国和台湾在内,所有周边经济体都让本国货币贬值。

    All the neighbouring economies including Korea and Taiwan depreciated their currency .

  29. 货币贬值会导致价格升高,使得失业并未好转。

    Cheap money would result in higher prices , leaving unemployment unchanged .

  30. 货币贬值可以降低该国出口货物的价值。

    A weaker currency lowers the price of a country 's exports .