
  • 网络Money Stock;stock of money
  1. 政策冲击下的货币存量控制研究

    A Study on Control of Money Stock under the Shock of Policy

  2. 其货币存量并未下降,但增长速度已放至缓慢。

    The money stock there did not fall but slowed down to a crawl .

  3. 货币存量与价格水平:中国1952-2001

    M on ey Stock and Price Level in China : 1952-2001

  4. 对于传统意义的铸币税,其税基是基础货币存量;

    For the traditional definition of the seigniorage , the excise base of it is the money base .

  5. 货币存量调整机制一般可分为两类设定方式:实际调整过程和名义调整过程。

    Stock adjustment models of the demand for money have employed either the real or nominal adjustment process .

  6. 明斯基及其(少数)支持者主张,在恐慌之后,增加货币存量的做法将会失败。

    After a panic , Minsky and his ( few ) allies argued , boosting the money stock would fail .

  7. 研究表明,银行的资产组合行为对货币存量变动起着主导作用。

    The results show that the asset compositing behavior of banks plays a main role in the fluctuation of money stock .

  8. 这是三倍,其实不止三倍,实际流通中的美金货币存量总和。

    That 's three times , in fact that 's more than three times , the total physical stock of dollar notes in circulation .

  9. 各国的中央银行,美国,英国和日本都一起增加了各自经济的货币存量增加了3.7万亿美金(人民币约22.2万亿元)。

    Together , the central banks of the U.S. , U.K and Japan increased the stock of money in their economies by 3.7 trillion dollars .

  10. 在最后的政策建议中用一种富有创见性的方法来说明央行如何达到货币存量目标。

    In the last part of policy suggestions , it develops a kind of creative approach to demonstrate how the Central Bank of China attains its monetary stock .

  11. 部分由于货币存量偏高,这些国家的名义和实际利率都非常低,政府因而可以从容地偿还债务利息。

    Partly as a result of the high monetary stock , both nominal and real interest rates are very low , so governments can comfortably afford to pay the interest on their borrowings .

  12. 在这样的理论分析下,为了实证研究M2/GDP高比值的原因,我们将货币存量分为了用于交易的货币和用于储蓄的货币两部分。

    Under such a theoretical analysis to research the causes of high M2 / GDP , we divided the money stock into two different parts : one part for trading and the other for saving .

  13. 但当经济开始复苏之际,美联储将不得不减少过多的货币存量,且更关键的是,需要避免银行的巨额超额准备金引发货币和信贷的爆炸式增长。

    But when the economy begins to recover , the Fed will have to reduce the excessive stock of money and , more critically , prevent the large volume of excess reserves in the banks from causing an inflationary explosion of money and credit .

  14. 鉴于货币存量对经济运行的重要影响,如何选择合理的货币供给模式,形成逆周期货币供给机制,将成为决定利率市场化改革成败的关键。

    Since money stock is the most important factor for economy movement , so how to choose the rational money supply model and form the anticyclical money supply will determine whether the reform of interest rate determined by marketing organization can attain the final success .

  15. 其次,亚洲本国货币的存量非常高。

    Second , the stock of domestic money in Asia is very high .

  16. 长期因素有黄金的货币属性、存量及储蓄;

    Long-term factors include currency property , common commodity property , storage quantity and stock quantity of gold .

  17. 尽管官方一直忧虑通货紧缩,但是美联储的货币供应数字显示,货币存量已经在以一个引人注目的高速度膨胀。

    Notwithstanding official worries about deflation , Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate .

  18. 企业应通过建立货币资金定量控制模型,对货币资金存量进行控制,以满足财务适应性的要求。

    The enterprise can control its reserve of cash capital through establishing a capital ration controlling model .

  19. 货币政策的操作主要是通过控制货币存量以达到一些具体的目标。

    The operation of monetary policy mainly involves controlling the stock of money in order to achieve specific goals .

  20. 货币流通速度,是产出或交易量与货币存量之比,它联接了实体经济的产出与金融经济的货币,是货币经济学中的一个重要议题。

    Velocity of money , which is ratio of output or exchange number to money and links real economy with financial economy , has been a significant topic of money economics .

  21. 本文提出了一种根据商品的交易周转速度计算货币交易量的方法,并发现货币交易量相对于货币存量小得多。

    The method for detecting the quantity of transaction demand for money is proposed , based on the recognition of the transaction velocity .

  22. 文章以1994~2002年为样本区间,通过构造货币供应函数和对货币政策操作实践的分析,考察货币政策操作本身对货币存量的冲击。

    Using the data of sample period ( 1994-2002 ), the paper explores the shock of monetary policy on money stock by constructing money supply function analysis and the practice of policy operation .

  23. 货币流通速度是收入流通速度和交易流通速度的综合,反映了货币流量与存量、制度与交易、宏观变量与微观变量的综合特征。

    The velocity is a blend of velocity of income and velocity of transactions and reflects the comprehensive features of flow and stock of money , institution and transaction , and macro-and micro-variables .

  24. 同时,由于银行对货币政策操作的预期可能使之做出过度反应,使其贷款偏好“过松”或“过紧”,进而导致实际的货币存量超出预定的目标值。

    At the same time , the bank 's expectation of monetary policy operation may lead to its excessive reaction , causing its loan bias to be " excessively slack " or " too rigid ", thus leading to the actual money stock to deviate from predetermined target .

  25. 本文的重点是从货币创造的角度推导出铸币税的征收机制,在不存在经济增长和货币深化的经济中,铸币税收入等于基础货币存量乘以名义利率。

    This paper concentrates on the deduction of the taxation mechanism of seigniorage through a perspective of money creation . Government revenue collected from seigniorage equal to the product of the money base stock and the nominal rate in an economy without growth and monetization .