
  • 网络Currency Internationalization
  1. 由前两部分构成了货币国际化风险的简单理论。

    These two parts constitute the simple theory of currency internationalization .

  2. 货币国际化的收益、成本与人民币国际化分析

    Analysis on Benefits , Costs and Conditions of Currency Internationalization and RMB Internationalization

  3. 货币国际化是近来研究比较热的问题,研究的视角也很多。

    The internationalization of currency is the hot issue at present .

  4. 然后总结了世界主要货币国际化的经验。

    Experience of the internationalization of other major currencies is summed up .

  5. 货币国际化是一个大国强势地位的标志。

    Currency internationalization is a sign of strong power which one great state owned .

  6. 货币国际化的规律探索及对人民币国际化的启示

    A Study on the Law of Currency Internationalization and the Enlightenment to RMB Internationalization

  7. 货币国际化及其决定因素&欧元与美元的比较

    Currency Internationalization and Its Determinants : A Comparison of the Euro and the US Dollar

  8. 在世界经济全球化的趋势之下,各个国家都十分重视本国货币国际化的问题。

    Under the globalization trend , all countries attach great importance to the internationalization if their currency .

  9. 货币国际化为其政策主体带来的重要收益之一就是铸币收入。

    Income by seigniorage is one of the most important benefits in the process of the currency internationalizing .

  10. 他欢迎卢森堡积极参与中国货币国际化进程。

    He has welcomed Luxembourg to take an active part in the internationalization process of the Chinese currency .

  11. 货币国际化是国际货币领域中一个非常重要的现象,同时也是一个复杂的过程。

    Currency internationalization is not only a critical phenomenon in international monetary field but also a complex process .

  12. 其中,货币国际化是大国金融国际化进程中的最高层级。

    And the currency internationalization is the topmost level in the process of financial internationalization for a big country .

  13. 一国货币国际化后会给货币发行国带来巨额的国际铸币税收益。

    The globalization of a currency will bring a huge tax income to the currency distribution country from global money making .

  14. 货币国际化扩张中的政策行为&基于最优铸币收入的动态分析

    Monetary Policies During the Process of Currency Internationalizing : A Dynamic Analysis on the Optimal Path of the Income by Seigniorage

  15. 发达完善的金融市场是货币国际化运行的载体,为货币国际化提供制度支撑;

    Developed and perfect financial market is the carrier of the internationalization of currency and it supplies the internationalization with policies ;

  16. 一国货币国际化程度越高,享受国际货币带来的利益也就越多。

    The higher the degree of internationalization of the currency of a country , it more enjoys the benefits of an international currency .

  17. 本文主要研究的内容是在货币国际化背景下,上海银行间同业拆借利率期限结构的影响因素。

    This paper studies the factors which affect the term structure of Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate in the context of the currency internationalization .

  18. 通过计量及理论分析,并结合三个国家或地区的实际来分析三大货币国际化的影响因素。

    Through measurement and theoretical analysis , the paper combines the actual conditions of three countries and regions to analyze influencing factors of currency internationalization .

  19. 而后,就货币国际化与货币竞争理论、货币选择理论和跨境贸易人民币结算相关理论及文献进行了系统的梳理。

    Then , we systematically review the existing literature about the monetary internationalization , monetary competition theory , currency choice theory and RMB settlement in cross-border trade theory .

  20. 中国要想在全球金融资源的竞争中占据一席之地,就必须加入货币国际化的角逐。

    If China wants to occupy a place in the competition in the global financial resources , it is necessary to join the race of the international currency .

  21. 币值高估在货币国际化进程中对货币的发展有着巨大的不利影响,是国际货币由盛到衰的转折点。

    Overvaluation is an enormous disadvantage to the development of currency in the process of internationalization , and it is the adverse turning point of the international currency .

  22. 虽然货币国际化会加大国家遭受经济和金融动荡冲击的可能性,但总的来说,利大于弊。

    Though the monetary internationalization will strengthen the possibility that the country is struck by economy and financial turmoil , but generally speaking , the advantages outweigh the disadvantages .

  23. 一国货币国际化最直接的收益是国际铸币税收益,它使发行国可以凭借货币的发行成本堂而皇之地自他国获取与货币票面价值相当的财富。

    The most direct monetary internationalization benefit is the Seigniorage , which means the international currency issuing country can get real wealth equivalent to the nominal value of currency from other countries .

  24. 本国货币国际化可以带来铸币税收入、降低汇率风险和提高国际影响力等诸多利益。

    The internationalization of country monetary can bring a great deal of interests , such as the coin tax income , the reduction of exchange rate risk and the raising international influence power .

  25. 这部分的主要内容有三个方面;一是对货币国际化的风险进行分类并说明分类依据。二是对影响货币国际化风险大小的因素进行分析。

    There are three parts of the main content : the first is to classify and explain the risk of currency internationalization , the second is to analyze the factors affecting the risk .

  26. 同时在探求货币国际化一般规律时,不仅寻求相关的正面经验,还注重寻找在货币国际化中易出现的问题,从而在正反两方面为人民币国际化提供可借鉴的经验;

    When exploring the general law of currency internationalization , the writer seeks both the positive experiences and the problems in the process of internationalization , thus offers useful experiences from pros to cons ;

  27. 在这样的背景下人民币国际化发展迎来了新的契机,也进一步赋予了货币国际化决定因素研究的现实意义。

    All these ushered in a new opportunity in this context the development of internationalization of the RMB , and also to further empower a determining factor in the study of currency internationalization practical significance .

  28. 作者认为,除了在国际金融体系中的话语权等无法计量的好处以外,货币国际化利益主要表现为国际铸币税收益,以及运用境外储备投资的金融业收益。

    Apart from the immeasurable benefits like power to speak in the international financial forums , benefits of currency internationalization include international seigniorage revenue and financial profits from operating the offshore reserves of the currency .

  29. 一国货币国际化可为该货币发行国带来增加铸币税收入、降低汇率风险、扩大国际影响等好处,同时也使该国遭受国际经济与金融动荡冲击的可能性加大。

    Currency internationalization in a country can bring the following advantages to the country that issues the currency : increasing the income of coin tax , decreasing the risk of the fluctuating exchange rate , and extending international influence .

  30. 货币国际化是市场选择的结果,它要求货币发行国在政治上强大且稳定、经济实力雄厚、国际贸易和投资有较大的市场份额、金融市场发达、货币币值稳定等。

    It serves as a result of market alternation , requiring that currency issuing country should be politically strong and economically powerful , as well as possess a relatively greater market share in international trade and investment , developed financial markets and stable currency value .