- 网络Fiscal Surplus;Budget surplus;primary surplus;Et-εt

The first is the size of the primary fiscal surplus , now supposed to be 4.5 per cent of GDP .
As a result , even a huge primary fiscal surplus could not constrain the debt ratio .
For Italy to achieve debt sustainability thus requires a primary balance of more than 6 per cent .
On my calculations , Italy needs a primary government surplus of almost 5 per cent of GDP simply to maintain the current stock of debt .
There is hardly a soul in the Bundestag who questions how permanent fiscal surpluses would fit in with the rest of the eurozone , let alone worrying about the geopolitical consequences .
I believe it 's important to resist the temptation to squander our surplus .
Countries hit by financial crises almost always have large structural private sector financial surpluses .
He described the maintenance of fiscal surpluses as " not a good policy " .
Hong Kong has huge financial surplus
Given that their economies are booming , all of them should arguably be running a surplus .
China has the resources to cushion any growth slowdown , with huge current account and fiscal surpluses .
Any shortfall in the nominal growth rate would require a compensation through an even higher primary balance .
The rising economic powers have financial surpluses , economic growth , and high stakes in global stability .
When President Bush entered office , the United States enjoyed a fiscal surplus of $ 128 billion .
To pay down debt , it must generate financial surpluses that need to be sustained over several years .
Hong Kong last year halved its wine tax from 80 per cent thanks to a large fiscal surplus .
But since the north joined the austerity , the eurozone ended up with a primary fiscal surplus in a recession .
After recording a $ 7bn surplus last year , his administration allocated only an extra $ 115m for poverty relief .
So the primary surplus has to be far bigger , the growth rate far higher , or the interest rate lower .
Congressman Ryan 's budget projects a $ 7 billion surplus in fiscal year 2023 and is likely to sell to the House .
But many policymakers remain confused over the distinction between squeezing out a domestic fiscal surplus and the ability to pay foreign debts .
Spratt , who is chairman of the House Budget Committee , criticized the president for turning a $ 236 billion surplus into record deficits .
Many of the measures announced yesterday are an extension to spending programmes outlined earlier this year when the government disclosed a record $ 15bn surplus .
Moreover , the notion that Ireland might have run a fiscal surplus big enough to offset the destabilising impact of the private sector boom is ludicrous .
Lack of government supply , as the country enters it ninth successive year of surplus , has also left investors with little choice but to buy non-government paper .
And if you remember , that was when our economy created nearly 23 million new jobs , the biggest budget surplus in history , and millionaires were doing pretty well .
The idea that the Greeks will run large fiscal surpluses for a generation , to pay back money creditor governments used to rescue private lenders from their folly is a delusion .
These financial assets mainly come from official foreign exchange reserve , financial surplus and export earnings . SWFs have some prominent features : owned by government , huge scale and globe investment .
The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit , the fiscal hole in America 's retiree programmes is bigger than ever , the tax system is an unstable , patched-up mess .
The high savings rate , high the annual fiscal surplus , low interest rates , a common currency zone will play an important role in lowering the yield to maturity of government bonds .