
  • 网络Financial asset;finance and property
  1. 整合财务资产信息系统提高医院财务管理水平

    Integrate Financial Assets Information System Improve Hospital Financial Management

  2. 中国石油管道分公司财务资产处;中国石油管道分公司管道科技中心;

    Xu Qiang , Financial Assets Department , PetroChina Pipeline Company , Gao Airu , Pipeline Technology Center , PetroChina Pipeline Company .

  3. 辽河油田财务资产信息系统整合研究

    Liaohe Oilfield Fmis & Amis System Application Integration Research

  4. 金融工具及其所引起的财务资产和财务负债,与传统的交易及传统的资产负债有着根本的不同;

    Financial tools and its consequent financial assets and financial liabilities are different from the traditional exchange and traditional assets , liabilities .

  5. 有效的管理与经济效益&浅析湖南省地矿局属地化四年的财务资产管理实践

    Effective Management and Economic Returns & Analysis of financial management in four years after localized management of Hunan Geological and Mineral Resource Bureau

  6. 院领导班子及下设的战略规划委员和财务资产部组成财务决策机构,院本部的财务部门构成财务管理机构,院监察审计机构及财务结算中心构成财务监督机构。

    School leadership is decision-making body . Finance Department is financial management institutions . Audit department and financial settlement centers are financial oversight bodies .

  7. 许久以前,珍珠是极重要的财务资产,如同房地产般。因为,数千颗牡蛎中只可能找到一颗珍珠。

    Long ago , pearls were important financial assets , comparable in price to real estate , as thousands of oysters had to be searched for just one pearl .

  8. 本文首先引入了客户资产的概念,并将客户资产与企业财务资产做了对比分析,指出客户资产的特性并对客户资产的评价方法做了系统的研究。

    This paper introduces the concept of customer assets firstly and makes a comparative analysis of customer assets and financial assets . The characteristic and evaluation methods of customer assets are studied in the same time .

  9. 在投保时,一般要向保险人提供资产负债表等能够表明财务资产情况和证实企业营业范围的材料,以便与保险人协商确定保险金额和保险费率。

    Casting when protecting , want to offer a balance sheet to wait for the material that can indicate business range of financial asset circumstance and proof enterprise to the underwriter commonly , so that negotiate affirmatory insurance amount and premium rate with the underwriter .

  10. 与RIT的合作将专注于成立投资基金,以及联手收购财务和资产管理公司。双方还将互派非执行董事。

    The partnership with RIT will focus on setting up investment funds , eyeing joint acquisitions of wealth and asset managers and granting each other non-executive directorships .

  11. 由于自身的财务困难资产负债表问题,银行无法力再支持市场。

    The banks are no longer able to support the market , since they have their own balance-sheet woes .

  12. 为有效进行财务公司资产负债结构调整效率效果预测,以商业银行行为方式模型为基础,对相关参数做出调整,设计了动态资金运营规划模型。

    Based on the behavior models of the commercial banks , a dynamic model for capital operation plans has been developed .

  13. 因此,学习看作自己的东西不仅仅是你的财务净资产可能是一个更容易和比较温和的人生的一课。

    So learning to see yourself as something more than just your financial net worth can be a much easier and gentler life lesson .

  14. 核查企业的财务、资产状况,向职工了解情况、听取意见,必要时要求企业负责人做出说明;

    Inspect the finance and assets of the enterprises , get the relevant information from the employees and solicit their opinions and demand from the responsible person of the enterprises and ask to give explanations thereof , when necessary ;

  15. 公允价值下财务报告目的资产评估的思考

    Thoughts About Asset Evaluation for Financial Statement Under Fair Value

  16. 加强财务监督遏制资产流失

    Strengthen the Financial Inspection and Control the Asset Lost

  17. 国企改制中财务审计与资产评估研究(下)&政策与措施

    Financial Audit and Assets Valuation in the SOEs ' Joint Share System Reform

  18. 预期现金流量波动性用财务杠杆、资产规模来度量。

    The expected cash flow volatility was measured by financial leverage , asset size .

  19. 财务杠杆使资产价格存在泡沫。

    Financial leverage caused asset price bubble .

  20. 除此之外,本文还使用单一财务比率净资产收益率对样本公司绩效进行了分析。

    Besides , sample companies are also analyzed by using single financial indicator Return On Equity .

  21. 上市公司改制中财务审计和资产评估的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship of Finance Auditing to Assets Evaluation in the Reform of Listed Corporation

  22. 但从短期看,对银行的财务效益和资产质量将产生较大冲击。

    But in the short term , it will probably have some serious influences on banks'profitability and safety .

  23. 自从加入了该公司,他就觊觎公司的财务权益及资产。

    Since he joined the company , he has had an eye to its financial interests and assets .

  24. 前5名财务公司的资产和银行相比,也在前10名左右。

    Even compared with the 10 biggest commercial banks , the top 5 financial companies are not in the shade .

  25. 主要教学和研究领域:精算学、风险管理、个人财务策划、资产负债管理、养老金。

    Research and teaching : actuarial science , risk management , personal financial planning , asset / liability management , pension etc.

  26. 联合按需提供了推动一个代理更远更快所需要的管理、财务和技术资产。

    Federation provides the necessary management , financial , and technological assets on demand required to propel an agency farther and faster .

  27. 目前,在国有企业股份制改造的过程中存在许多影响财务审计与资产评估质量的问题。

    At present , there are many factors affecting the quality of financial audit and assets valuation in the process of SOEs reform .

  28. 公司主要的财务报表是资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表。

    The principal financial statements of a corporation are the balance sheet , the income statement , and the statement of cash flows .

  29. 基本财务报表包括资产负债表、收益表、业主权益表和现金流量表。

    The basic financial statements include the balance sheet , the income statement , the statement of owner 's equity , and the statement of cash flows .

  30. 按照现代企业财务理论,资产证券化在成为企业一种融资方式后会对企业资产结构产生一定的影响。

    In accordance with the modern business financing theory , as a financing manner , asset securitization will have a certain effect on the enterprise assets structure .