
  • 网络Financial Competitiveness
  1. 有鉴于此,本文基于价值导向从综合绩效的角度构建了上市公司财务竞争力评价体系。

    For this reason , this paper builds a value-oriented evaluation system of financial competitiveness from the perspective of comprehensive performance .

  2. 并且本文既有定性的理论的分析,又有对财务竞争力数学模型的定量的分析,达到了定性与定量的结合,也更加完善了财务竞争力的理论体系。

    Otherwise , the paper conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of financial competitiveness model and perfect architecture of financial competitiveness theory .

  3. 基于并购的企业财务竞争力研究

    The Research on Corporation Financial Competition Based on Merger Acquisition

  4. 对企业财务竞争力的提升提出了探索性的建议。

    To enhance the competitiveness of corporate finance and nurturing proposed exploratory proposal .

  5. 企业财务竞争力研究

    Study on Enterprise 's Financial Core Competence

  6. 本文将并购行为与企业财务竞争力结合起来进行研究。

    This paper researches on the corporations ' financial competition combined with the Merger Acquisition behaviors .

  7. 从三个方面分析了企业财务竞争力和企业竞争力的关系。

    From the three aspects of financial analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises and enterprise competitiveness relationship .

  8. 展开对企业财务竞争力的研究是企业管理实践提出的必然要求,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The management practice of corporations needs much necessary research on financial competition and the research has an important theoretic and practical significance .

  9. 首先介绍了国内外关于财务竞争力的研究现状,阐述了财务竞争力的概念、特征和形成机制。

    Firstly , introduced the status of financial competitiveness at home and abroad , respectively explained the concept and features and formation mechanism of financial competitiveness .

  10. 在形成企业财务竞争力基本理论的基础上,本文构建了企业财务竞争力的定量评价体系。

    Based on the basic theories of the financial competitiveness which has been formed , this thesis sets up the fixed quantity evaluates system of the financial competitiveness .

  11. 本文所研究的财务竞争力是当前财务管理理论研究的新方向,是借鉴企业核心竞争力理论,基于管理经济学视角的财务创新。

    The financial competitiveness the essay studies represent a new direction of financial theory , financial competitiveness referenced to the core competitiveness , is financial innovation of management economics .

  12. 并购交易完成后面临的人力资源问题会影响财务竞争力的保持和提升,无论是基于何种并购策略的人力资源整合,都应该重视稳定军心、人尽其才、有效激励三个方面的工作。

    The maintenance and promotion of the corporations ' financial competition is influenced by the problems of the human resource which are came forth after finishing the Merger and Acquisition dealing .

  13. 通过相关性分析和优越性分析验证了熵权法在工业机械行业企业财务竞争力评价中的有效性,把既简单又具操作性的熵权分析法引入工业机械行业企业的财务竞争力评价中。

    Through correlation analysis and superiority analysis , the article verified the effectiveness of entropy in the competitiveness evaluation . And this part brings the simple and workable entropy into industrial machinery enterprise financial competitiveness evaluation .

  14. 本文从企业核心竞争力与财务竞争力的关系出发,对财务竞争力的含义、构成要素及各要素之间的关系进行分析,并对企业财务竞争力的形成和提升进行了探讨。

    This article begins from theory of enterprise 's core competence , carries on the analysis to the financial core competence meaning and its integrant part , and carries on the discussion on forms enterprise financial core competence .

  15. 分析表明,我省国有控股上市公司的财务竞争力一般,偿债能力和盈利质量能力较强,但是成长能力和盈利能力较弱,有待于进一步提高。

    Analysis showed that the financial competitiveness of state-owned listed companies is in general , solvency and quality of earnings capacity are good , but the ability to grow and profitability is weak , which need to be further improved .

  16. 随后,文中阐释了财务竞争力的三个理论基础,即企业资源理论、企业能力理论、企业竞争战略,并介绍了财务竞争力的定义、特征及构成要素。

    Subsequently , the paper illustrates three basic theories of the financial competitiveness which named the theory of enterprise resource , the theory of enterprise capabilities and competitive strategy , and describes the definition , characteristics and elements of financial competitiveness .

  17. 有鉴于此,本文在深入分析迈克尔·波特的钻石模型竞争优势理论的基础上,提出了三维财务竞争力的概念,即财务竞争力包含了三个维度:财务环境适应竞争力、财务资源配置竞争力、财务利益协调竞争力。

    Therefore , based on the analysis of Michael E. Porter ' " diamond model " competitive advantage theory , the dissertation presents the concept of " Three-Dimension Financial Competitiveness ", which includes financial environment adaptation competitiveness , financial resource distribution competitiveness and financial Interest coordination competitiveness .

  18. 在设计的三维财务竞争力指数体系基础上,构建了三维财务竞争力指数评价的模型体系,包括综合模型、矩阵模型、立方模型。

    It chooses the standardized dimensionless quantity method in this conversion . ( 4 ) The dissertation constructs an index evaluation model system of the three-dimension financial competitiveness based on the index system of the three-dimension financial competitiveness , which includes synthetic model , matrix model and cubic model .

  19. 主要从并购战略制定、目标企业选择、并购成本三个方面入手,分析在并购准备及交易阶段提升企业财务竞争力面临的问题。

    From three angles , which are the frame of the stratagem , the choice of the aim and the cost of the Merger and Acquisition , it analyses the problems about the promotion which could be faced in the stage of preparing and dealing for the Merger and Acquisition .

  20. 对目前国内已有的企业财务竞争力的评价指标体系进行了阐述,并在此基础上提出了本文的企业财务竞争力的评价指标体系。(6)建立企业财务竞争力的评价模型,并进行实证分析。

    The existing corporate finance current domestic competitiveness evaluation index system are set forth , and on this basis , this paper put forward the competitiveness of enterprise financial evaluation index system . ( 6 ) the establishment of the competitiveness of enterprise financial evaluation model and conduct empirical analysis .

  21. 财务核心竞争力由财务战略、财务资源、财务能力以及财务执行等要素构成,具有价值性、差异性、动态性、系统整合性、内生性和价值增值性等特征。

    Financial core competitiveness constitutes by financial strategy , financial resources , financial capacity and financial performance , and other elements , which has the characteristics of value and diverse , dynamic , integrated system , endogenous and value-added features .

  22. 如果您已经做了一个基于ROI和TCO的健全的财务案例,提高竞争力的讨论也许就是蛋糕上的糖衣,您可以不去管它。

    If you 've already made a sound financial case based on ROI or TCO , a discussion of improved competitiveness may be icing on the cake , and you can leave it at that .

  23. 财务指标对企业竞争力影响的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Financial Index Influence on Enterprise Competitiveness

  24. 金融危机下企业财务战略与财务竞争力研究

    Study on the Financial Strategies and Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Financial Crisis

  25. 随着辅助服务市场的建立和完善,抽水蓄能电站的动态效益将得到有效补偿,其财务生存能力和竞争力将进一步提高。

    Along with the establishment and perfection of ancillary service market , the dynamic benefit of PS stations will be effectively compensated and their financial viability and competitive power can be further improved .

  26. 对上市公司的主要财务指标与企业竞争力的关系进行了实证分析,提出了测量企业财务指标对企业竞争力影响的两个指标,这两个指标分别测量了财务指标对竞争力的总贡献与净贡献;

    An empirical study of the influence of Chinese listed companies ' financial index on competitiveness is made in this paper . Two indexes are put forward , which can measure the total and net contribution of influence on enterprise competitiveness respectively .

  27. 同时指出,现代企业的财务管理应该是以财务竞争力最大化为目标的战略财务管理。

    It also points out that modern corporation financing should be strategical financing which aims to the maximum of financial competitiveness .

  28. 并探讨并购整合阶段如何通过人力资源和财务资源整合来提升财务竞争力。

    At the same time , it studies how to step up the corporations ' financial competition by conforming the resource of manpower and financing in conformity stage of the Merger and Acquisition .

  29. 本文从企业财务战略、财务资源和财务能力这三个方面分析了企业财务竞争力的影响因素,并进行了深入阐述。

    In this paper , corporate finance strategy , financial resources and financial capacity of these three aspects of analysis of enterprise financial competitiveness of the factors , and conducted in-depth set .