
cái wù kē
  • finance section
  1. 她在公司的财务科工作。

    She works in the company 's finance section .

  2. 本文介绍的工资管理系统,是根据财务科对职工工资管理的项目、统计及报表要求,适当考虑人事部门对工资统计的有关项目而没计的。

    The wage management system introduced in the paper is designed for the purpose of staff wage management , statistics and report forms , based on the items required by finance section as well as personnel division .

  3. 我们的财务科将采取照顾的融资问题。

    Our treasury section will take care of financing issues .

  4. 请问是财务科吗?

    Is this the finance department ?

  5. 财务科在哪里?

    Where 's the Financial Department ?

  6. 该局林价管理系统由局实施林价领导小组、管理局驻局森林资源监督专员办、森林资源管理科、森调队、诸林场、财务科组成。

    Its forest price management system is composed of the leading group of taking forest price , the officer of supervising forest resource from senior forest management bureau , the section of forest resource management , the brigade of forest research , the forest farms and financial section .