
  1. 这些结论着重对问题的反映,本文结合民营上市公司的财务战略环境提出了个人的意见和建议,试图为民营上市公司提供借鉴。

    These conclusions focus on problems . Considering the financial strategy environment , the paper puts forward personal suggestions and attempts to offer reference for the private listed companies .

  2. 龙江森工集团财务战略管理环境分析。

    The main research contents have the following aspects : ( 1 ) Financial strategic management environmental analysis of the group of forest industry of Longjiang .

  3. 企业财务战略选择:环境分析

    The strategic choice of financial affairs of businesses : analysis of related elements

  4. 同时对影响财务战略制定和选择的财务战略环境和战略管理者两大关键因素进行了初步探讨。

    And meanwhile preliminarily discusses the two key factors of financial strategic environment and strategic managers that influence the establishing and choosing of financial strategies .

  5. 第二章对经济周期、产业周期理论以及财务战略的定义、内容和影响财务战略的环境因素进行了概述。

    The second chapter summarizes the economic cycle theory , industrial cycle theory and definition , content and the affection factor of environment of financial strategy .

  6. 然后,从财务管理的战略角度出发来研究电子商务企业财务管理,对电子商务下财务管理的战略环境、战略目标、战略内容以及战略实施程序进行了研究。

    Then provide the definition and the goal of financial management based on e-commerce . Secondly , analyses the financial management based on e-commerce from the strategic point of view .

  7. 在文章的主体部分,对企业并购财务战略的涵义进行了界定,并说明了企业并购财务战略的实施前提,即并购财务战略环境分析。

    In the principal part of this text , it defines the meaning of M & A financial strategy and explains the implement precondition-analysis of interior and exterior environment .

  8. 介绍企业财务战略和企业竞争优势的基本理论,是本文的理论支撑;第三部分为企业财务战略的环境分析。

    It introduced the basic theory in corporate financial strategy and competitive advantage which is as the theoretical support of this article . ; The third chapter is an environment analysis of corporate financial strategy .