
  • 网络BEVERLY;Beverley;Patrick Beverley
  1. 对蛋糕的想念促使这家公司于2012年在贝弗利山安装了第一台纸杯蛋糕ATM机。

    That craving inspired the company 's first cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills , Calif. in 2012 .

  2. 另类收藏品拍卖行HeritageAuctions今年4月在加州贝弗利山庄举办了首场葡萄酒拍卖会。

    Heritage Auctions , the collectables house , held its inaugural wine sale in April in Beverly Hills , California .

  3. 阿齐兹从刘特佐手中购买贝弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)房产的交易则更不透明。

    The transfer of the Beverly Hills house from Mr. Low to Mr. Aziz was even more opaque .

  4. 这都是发生在很久以前的事了,他说,悠闲地坐在贝弗利山庄(BEVERLYHILLS)某旅馆的座椅上。

    It was so long ago , he says , sitting back in his seat in a Beverly Hills hotel .

  5. 在德安东尼的体系中,现在火箭队的射手群包括威廉姆斯,戈登和莱恩-安德森,3-D(指能投三分能防守的球员类型)侧翼球员特雷沃-阿里扎和强大的后场防守球员帕特里克-贝弗利。

    For D'Antoni 's system , the Rockets now have an array of shooters in Williams , Gordon andRyan Anderson , a 3-and-D wing in Trevor Ariza and a strong backcourt defender in Patrick Beverley .

  6. “至尊精选”系列中除了这座城堡酒店外,还包括了威尼斯的格里提宫酒店,巴黎的加勒王子酒店以及贝弗利山庄的SLS酒店。

    TheCastle Hotel joins other properties in The Luxury Collection including TheGritti Palace , Venice , Prince de Galles in Paris , and the SLS HotelBeverly Hills .

  7. 2000至2002年间,他用40万美元的客户资金从贝弗利山庄(BEVERLYHILLS)的私人服装商Bijan购买西装。

    He spent $ 400,000 of customer money from 2000 to 2002 to buy suits from Bijan , a private Beverly Hills clothier .

  8. 周一,在加州贝弗利山的高档购物区RodeoDrive,MichaelKors精品店的一位店员告诉我说,人人都有一种负罪感。

    On Rodeo Drive 's exclusive shopping district on Monday , a sales clerk at the Michael Kors boutique told me , 'There 's an umbrella of guilt over everyone . '

  9. 这家Eva餐厅位于贝弗利大道,老板兼主厨MarkGold希望这个措施可以让顾客们可以真正的坐在椅子上放松,享受他们的食物并真正与朋友和家人面对面的交流。

    Owner / chef Mark Gold of Eva Restaurant , located on Beverly Boulevard near N. Gardner Street , hopes this gives customers a way to truly sit back and relax , enjoy their meal and actually talk to with friends and family in-person .

  10. 本周,在贝弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotel)喝咖啡时,于冬提到了一些规模小于国有的中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup)的电影公司,这些公司也希望能在世界舞台上有所作为,数目还越来越多。

    Mr. Yu , who spoke over coffee at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills this week , referred to a growing group of film companies that are smaller than the giant state-owned China Film Group , but share ambitions to play on the world stage .

  11. 在美国东海岸,格林尼治森严的豪宅为那些有意避开公众视野的对冲基金亿万富豪提供的私密程度,近乎于贝弗利山(beverleyhills)。

    And the gated mansions of Greenwich provide the closest thing to the privacy of Beverley Hills available on the east coast for the hedge fund billionaire who eschews publicity .

  12. 37岁的贝尔如今觉得很难与那段时光联系起来。”这都是发生在很久以前的事了,”他说,悠闲地坐在贝弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)某旅馆的座椅上。”

    It 's an experience the 37-year-old Bale now finds difficult to relate to . " It was so long ago , " he says , sitting back in his seat in a Beverly Hills hotel .

  13. 当天早些时候,冯芙丝汀宝和巴里·迪勒(BarryDiller)在贝弗利山宅邸举办了年度奥斯卡前奏野餐会,出席者达400多人。

    Earlier that day , Ms. von Furstenberg and Barry Diller held their annual pre-Oscars picnic for a crowd of a little more than 400 at their estate in Beverly Hills .

  14. 于此同时,名厨沃尔夫冈帕克,专给权贵做饭,在贝弗利山庄的Cut的自家餐厅,经常给PoshandBecks做饭,之前也揭露了明星的饮食喜好。

    Meanwhile , celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck , who cooks for the rich and famous , and has regularly dished up grub for Posh and Becks at his restaurant Cut in Beverly Hills , also previously opened up about the star 's eating habits .

  15. 多媒体制片公司伊莱克图斯(Electus)的总裁本·席尔瓦曼(BenSilverman)回忆五年前曾与韦恩斯坦在贝弗利山庄的半岛酒店屋顶花园共进午餐,两人聊起公共版权领域内一些能吸引跨文化观众兴趣的精彩故事。

    Ben Silverman , chairman of the multimedia studio Electus , recalled having lunch with Mr. Weinstein about five years ago at the rooftop garden of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills , talking about great stories in the public domain that would intrigue viewers across cultures .

  16. 不过,这次午宴有个独特之处:蒂尔伯里是英国人,在贝弗利山A.O.C.餐馆的这个庭院里到处都能听到英国口音。

    But there was something distinct about this lunch : Ms. Tilbury is a Briton , and there were a whole lot of British accents in this courtyard at the restaurant A.O.C. in Beverly Hills .

  17. 有一天,我们去贝弗利农庄拜访他们美丽的家。

    One day we visited their beautiful home at Beverly Farms .

  18. 这对佳偶于2008年在她们的贝弗利山庄别墅完婚。

    The pair married in2008 at their Beverly Hills estate .

  19. 加利福尼亚贝弗利山杰出艺术家团体大楼,美国

    Creative Artists Ageney , Beverly Hills , California , U.S.A

  20. 你确定贝弗利大使酒店是这样走吗?

    You sure that 's how you get to the Beverly ambassador ?

  21. 我自己在贝弗利山的豪华宅第也会很好。

    My own mansion in Beverly Hills would be fine , too .

  22. 你怎么知道我是从贝弗利山来?

    Tracy : How do you know I 'm from Beverly Hills ?

  23. 布萨尔现在不是时候贝弗利茶呢

    Not now , Bursar . Beverly , where 's that tea ?

  24. 试想一下旧金山没有了贝弗利山,巴黎没有了咖啡馆。

    Think of San Francisco without the hills , Paris without the cafs .

  25. 我想我们应该搬去贝弗利山庄。

    I think we should move to Beverly hills .

  26. 马修·佩里在他职业生涯的早期曾出演过《贝弗利山:90210》。

    Matthew Perry appeared in Beverly Hills : 90210 earlier in his career .

  27. 贝弗利的菲利普被推崇为圣人。

    Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint .

  28. 贝弗利能给这位先生拿点喝的吗

    Beverly , would you like to offer this gentleman something to drink ?

  29. 贝弗利山旅馆美国加州贝弗利山

    Beverly Hills Hotel Beverly Hills , California

  30. 贝弗利山上著名的好莱坞标志正面临被拆掉的危险。

    The iconic Hollywood sign in Beverley Hills is at the risk of being demolished .