
  1. 作为家中的长女,妈妈把她和豆腐坊的未来联系在一起。

    Fang has begun to associate her future of the shop with her .

  2. 如今,方兴玉把豆腐坊的大部分工作交给了大女儿。

    Today , Fang Xingyu has handed over most of the workshop to her elder daughter .

  3. 妹妹要陪姐姐吃完已经冷了的一餐。对于妈妈和姐姐来说,生活的很多部分已经和豆腐坊牢牢长在了一起。

    Her sister will accompany her to finish the already cold dishes.To the mother and the elder sister , the tofu workshop has already become a major part of their lives .