
  • 网络Sheffield;The University of Sheffield;Sheffield University
  1. 他在谢菲尔德大学的课程要到明年才能继续。

    His course at Sheffield University will not recommence until next year .

  2. 约翰·史蒂文森是谢菲尔德大学的历史学高级讲师。

    John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield .

  3. 在鲍里斯·福特的支持下,她去了谢菲尔德大学讲课。

    She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer , under the aegis of Boris Ford .

  4. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)管理学院职场心理学研究所(InstituteofWorkPsychology)的塞缪尔•法利(SamuelFarley)正在研究这个问题。

    Samuel Farley of the Institute of Work Psychology at Sheffield University management school in the UK , is researching the issue .

  5. 与该研究无关系的英国谢菲尔德大学妇产科学教授WilliamLedger如此说。

    William Ledger , a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Britain 's University of Sheffield , who was unconnected to the study .

  6. BenevolentAI正与谢菲尔德大学(Sheffielduniversity)的研究人员合作,以研究治疗运动神经元疾病和肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的新方法。

    Benevolent is working with researchers at Sheffield university to investigate new pathways to treat motor neurone disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) .

  7. 同样来自谢菲尔德大学工程材料系的JohnHarding教授说,这个发现还可以有其它用途。

    John Harding , a professor also in the same department of the university , said that the discovery may be applied in other ways .

  8. 来自英国谢菲尔德大学的研究人员正在研究利用新的探测器(roboticferrets)帮助海关检验非法进出境物品。

    Researchers at the University of Sheffield are developing cargo screening ferrets to aid in the search of cargo for illegal substances .

  9. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)认知发展和心理学教授汤姆o斯塔福德表示,俄罗斯方块长盛不衰的原因是,这款游戏能够把玩家带入一个完全不同的领域。

    Tom Stafford , a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K. , says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play .

  10. 谢菲尔德大学(universityofsheffield)营养生物化学教授希拉里j鲍尔斯(hilaryjpowers)大体上认为,好的膳食应有丰富的水果和蔬菜,高纤维,低脂肪。

    Professor Hilary J powers , Professor of nutritional biochemistry at the University of Sheffield , believes in general that a good diet is one rich in fruit and vegetables , high in fibre and low in fat .

  11. 尼古拉斯邦纳经历过一次重要的人生抉择:一方面,他受邀出任距自己出生地英国柴郡(Cheshire)不远的谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)教职;另一方面,他那时又想创办专赴朝鲜旅游的公司。

    The " fork in the road " came for Nicholas Bonner when he was asked to become a lecturer at Sheffield university , not far from his native Cheshire , just as he was preparing to establish a travel agency focused on North Korea .

  12. 英国谢菲尔德大学高级临床讲师,谢菲尔德教学医院心脏病科名誉顾问蒂姆(TimChico)博士表示,一个人一辈子越是充满活力,患心血管疾病的风险就越低。

    Dr Tim Chico , senior clinical lecturer and honorary consultant cardiologist at the University of Sheffield / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals , said the more active a person was throughout their lives , the lower their risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease .

  13. 根据医疗调查委员会的复制的生物样本,每年精子的数量会下降到大约3%,因此我们采访了AllanPacey,来自谢菲尔德大学的男性生殖专家,英国生殖力协会秘书来弄清男性生殖。

    According to the Medical Research Council 's Reproductive Biology Unit , sperm counts are falling by around three per cent every year , so we spoke to Dr Allan Pacey , male fertility expert from Sheffield University and secretary of the British Fertility Society , to get the lowdown on male fertility .

  14. 英国建筑教育&谢菲尔德大学建筑学职业文凭设计工作室简析

    Architectural Education in uk : diploma studios at the University of Sheffield

  15. 谢菲尔德大学建筑系的可持续发展教育

    Sustainability education at the University of Sheffield School of Architecture

  16. 托尼瑞安是英国谢菲尔德大学的高分子化学家。

    Tony Ryan is a polymer chemist at the University of Sheffield .

  17. 尽管这已经是我在谢菲尔德大学的第二个学期了,可是我仍觉得比较累。

    It is the second semester in Sheffield University , but I am now suffering .

  18. 她曾在谢菲尔德大学攻读经济学。

    She did economics at Sheffield University .

  19. 英国谢菲尔德大学景观系风景园林硕士设计课程简述

    The Department of Landscape at Sheffield University

  20. 坐落于英国第四大城市,谢菲尔德大学1828年建校。

    Located in England 's fourth-largest city , the University of Sheffield dates back to 1828 .

  21. 英国谢菲尔德大学建筑学院

    University of Sheffield School of Architecture

  22. 同为谢菲尔德大学的教授约翰哈丁说,这项发现还有别的用途。

    Prof John Harding , also of Sheffield University , said the discovery could have other uses .

  23. 谢菲尔德大学的科学家揭示了在未来细菌如何被用作燃料的情况。

    Scientists at the University of Sheffield have shown how bacteria could be used as a future fuel .

  24. 英国谢菲尔德大学情报学系的专业与课程设置

    The Programs and Modules at the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield in the UK

  25. 目前,里安农正在等待高考成绩,她希望能够在谢菲尔德大学学习韩国研究和工商管理。

    Rhiannon is currently awaiting her A-level results , and hoping to study Korean Studies and Business Management at the University of Sheffield .

  26. 茱莉亚老师,今年28岁,毕业于英国的谢菲尔德大学,获得学士学位。

    Julia , 28 years old , she has graduated from the university of Sheffield , UK , and got the bachelor degree .

  27. 为了演示治理污染的效果,瑞安于5月14日在谢菲尔德大学一栋建筑物的外墙上安置了一块高20米宽10米的巨型广告牌。

    To demonstrate the effect , Ryan attached a poster 20 meters tall and 10 meters wide to the side of a building in Sheffield on May 14th .

  28. 伦敦大学学院和谢菲尔德大学的计算机科学家开发了一套算法,该算法不仅可以评估法律证据,还能权衡道德考量。

    Computer scientists at University College London and the University of Sheffield developed an algorithm which can not only weigh up legal evidence , but also moral considerations .

  29. 谢菲尔德大学本课程适合众多专业背景的学生申请,传授学生相关的知识和技能,为他们以后从事与勘测有关的工作做好准备。

    The MA in Planning and Development offers students from a wide range of backgrounds the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge relevant to a career in surveying .

  30. 《每日邮报》称英国北部谢菲尔德大学的研究人员发现大脑接收男人声音和女人声音的方式惊人地不同。

    The Daily Mail said researchers at Sheffield university in northern England discovered startling ( 2 ) differences in the way the brain responds to male and female sounds .