
  • 网络Flavored tea;Spiced Tea;Flavoured Tea
  1. 一个甜甜的气味白色或黄色的花卉植物,有时用来制造香水和调味茶。

    A plant with white or yellow flowers with a sweet smell , sometimes used to make perfume and to flavour tea .

  2. 为了开发普洱纯茶饮料,本研究对其配制进行了优化,并开发了调味型的茶饮料。

    This paper mainly studied on confection of pure Pu-erh tea drink and developed compound tea drink .

  3. 调味型的普洱茶饮料以含终浓度为5×10~(-5)%康红专用香精,5×10~(-4)%甜菊糖为宜。

    Compound tea drink should added 5 X 10-5 % special essence of Kang Shi-fu black tea and 5 X 10-4 % stevia into the tea liquid .