
  • 网络norma
  1. 据说诺尔玛不喜欢被人过多关注。

    Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity

  2. 诺尔玛拿起扫帚开始扫了起来。

    Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping .

  3. 诺尔玛于当天下午四点三十八分去世,刚好比她的丈夫晚了一个小时。

    Norma passed at 4:38 pm , exactly one hour later .

  4. 诺尔玛看着包裹,轻柔地哼起了口哨。

    Norma looked at the parcel and whistled softly through her teeth .

  5. 诺尔玛:这事我得再想想。

    Norma : I 'll have to think about it .

  6. 他们聚到一起彩排,阿尔波妮答应了在百老汇剧院演唱诺尔玛的角色。

    They tried the music together and Alboni allowed herself to be persuaded to perform the part of Norma at the Broadway Theater .

  7. 阿迪蒂想得到这种指挥棒,然而他更想听阿尔波妮演唱《诺尔玛》&那将是一次艺术上的巨大成功。

    Arditi wanted the handsome baton , but even more he wanted to hear Alboni sing Norma & a performance that would be an artistic triumph .

  8. “今晚8点斯图尔德先生要拜访您家。”诺尔玛把按钮装置放在她身边的沙发上。她又读了一遍那张打印的纸条,脸上挂着微笑。8点的时候门铃响了。“我来开门,”

    She pulled it off : " Mr. Steward will call on you at 8:00P . M. " Norma put the button unit beside her on the couch . She reread the typed note , smiling . 2 . The doorbell rang at eight o'clock . "