
shī yú
  • ci, poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originating in the Tang Dynasty
诗余 [shī yú]
  • [verse]诗词中词的别称,因词是由诗发展而来的而得名

  1. 第一节、明代《草堂诗余》版本述略。

    The first section is a survey of the versions of Cao Tang Shi Yu in Ming dynasty .

  2. 《元草堂诗余》&宋金遗民词的结集两宋之交宋金战事诗研究(靖康元年至绍兴十一年,1126-1141)

    The Study on Song-and-Jin War Poetry between the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties ( Jingkang First Year to Shaoxing Eleventh Year , 1126-1141 )

  3. 《花闻集》的大盛是在明中后期,其在明代词坛上的地位仅稍逊于《草堂诗余》。

    The extreme flourishing of Hua Man Ji emerged after the middle period of Ming Dynasty and its position in the field of Ci is only inferior to Cao Tang Poems .

  4. 提起“诗余”这种形式,它意涵着传统文人和读者的细致情感表达。

    To speak of it as the " other " form of Chinese poetry is to convey precisely the sense of the genre held by traditional writers and readers of the song lyric .

  5. 《草堂诗余》民俗性的分类、明人对词体言情浅俗的认同以及明人对总结词乐的热情,是导致《草堂诗余》在明代词坛极为盛行的关键因素。

    The folkways types , the approval to sentimental feature of ci poverty and the enthusiasm for summarizing ci music are the key factors for cao tang shi yu to be popular in Ming dynasty .

  6. 本节根据明人重编本《草堂诗余》中所反映的崇尚婉约香艳词风的词学思想,认为明人的词学理论和实践均受其深刻影响。

    Based on the thoughts of Ci poems reflected from the re-compilation of it by people of Ming , this section holds that the theories and practice of Ci poems in Ming dynasty are influenced profoundly .