
shè sè
  • fill in colours on a sketch;lay paint on;colour
设色 [shè sè]
  • [colour] 涂色;着色

  • 图画之设色者,用水彩,中外所同也。--蔡元培《图画》

设色[shè sè]
  1. 也可为中国画设色提出一些实践中的建设性意见。

    Also in the practice of Chinese painting and colour on some constructive criticism .

  2. 画作的透视、明暗、比例和细节皆无懈可击、设色精准、构图更是如静物画般有序。

    The perspective , lighting , proportions and elaborate details are flawless , the colour palette is sophisticated and the composition , similar to a still life painting is carefully planned .

  3. 他画的花卉,设色十分浓重。

    His paintings of flowers are distinguished by their rich colours .

  4. 不同形貌衬底上铝诱导poly-Si薄膜的制备及表征分层设色海底地形图

    Preparation and Characterization of Poly-Si Films on Different Topography Substrates by AIC

  5. 地图计算机颜色模型(MCCM)研究包括实用色谱印刷色标的制定、色标的屏幕再现与印刷复原、地图设色专家系统等。

    Research on MCCM includes the formulation of printing color standards of applied color chart , Screen reproduction of color standards and printing restoration , expert system of color design and etc.

  6. 中国水墨画的设色扩散与风格化绘制研究

    Research on the Pigments Diffusing and Stylistic Rendering of Chinese Painting

  7. 基于出版的地图要素设色与压盖关系处理

    Publishing Based Coloring of Map Elements and Overlapping Relation Building

  8. 地图设色系统中颜色转换模型的研究

    Investigation of the Color Conversion Model in Color Devising System of the Map

  9. 宋代人物画设色均采用天然色。

    Figures paintings in Song Dynasty took natural colors .

  10. 王原祁继承了浅绛设色的传统,以墨为主。

    Wang Yuanqi inherited the tradition of the light-red and ink-based color form .

  11. 地图设色专家系统的初步探讨

    A Primary Study on Map Colouring Expert System

  12. 政区地图设色方案的自动实现

    Automatic Implementation of Color Design in Administrative Map

  13. 分层设色海底地形图自动控制的平底绘图仪

    Layered bathymetric chart autocontrolled flat bed plotter

  14. 构图之精巧,线条勾勒之细腻,设色之清疏淡雅,都与院体名家林椿的画风相近。

    The composition , color and outlines are reminiscent of renowned court painter Lin Chun .

  15. 总体上看,戴诗不作一般的敷彩设色,而是表现出较强的写意艺术,扩大诗的审美内涵;

    Generally his poems show strong artistic conception and aesthetic connotation rather than the colors .

  16. 分层设色海底地形图海底浅层深度记录仪

    Layered bathymetric chart subbottom depth recorder

  17. 中国古代工笔人物画设色探源

    Research in colouring Chinese ancient portraits

  18. 画面墨淡气雅,设色颇有浪漫主义韵味。

    The portrait , painted in a simple but elegant style , has a romantic flavor .

  19. 设色匀净清丽,于青绿中间以赭色,富有变化和装饰性。

    Coloring is plain , even in green among with ochre , rich change and adornment sex .

  20. 基于明暗等深线与分层设色的海底地形立体表示方法研究绘制海湾浅水深度图

    Research on Sea Floor Three-Dimensional Vision Based on Illuminated Depth Contour and Color Gradients Shallow water mapping of estuaries

  21. 假冒色:用人工或电子把黑白原稿设色,使它具有四色彩印的效果。

    Fake colour : Simulation of the effect of four-colour process printings by manual or electronic modification of black-and-white originals .

  22. 在雕镂技术、造型特征、设色特点等各个方面,都有很高的研究价值。

    It is of high research value in terms of its carving techniques , form features , and colourway characteristics .

  23. 此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。

    Besides , the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period .

  24. 并希望籍此研究贺天健山水画设色,对当前山水画的创作,有一定的积极意义。

    In this aspect , this article also has a certain positive significance in the creation of landscape painting at present .

  25. 《清明上河图》是一幅绢本设色长卷,高248厘米,长528厘米。

    Qingming Festival by the Riverside is a long colored painted scroll with a length of 528 cm and a height of 248 cm .

  26. 另一种是从院体脱胎而出,线条遒劲飞舞、挥洒自如的风格,这种画一般设色淡雅。

    Another from courtyard body inferno out , line , the spiritual dancing aplomb style , this kind of picture generally coloring and elegant .

  27. 敦煌壁画在画面设色方面,往往是内容和主题在起着主导作用,具有很强的象征意义。

    Dunhuang murals and color on the screen , the content and themes often plays a leading role , has a strong symbolic meaning .

  28. 早期的工笔花鸟画的设色原则随类赋彩和抒情性就显现出鲜明的民族特征。

    The original painting principles of meticulous painting " drawing color adheres to the type " and " lyricism " have appeared distinct national characteristics .

  29. 弈棋仕女图,绢本设色,纵63厘米,新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆藏。

    Noble Lady Playing Chess , ink and pigment on silk , 63cm in height , in the collection of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum .

  30. 因此,在教学中应该继承传统的绘画理念及技巧的同时,加强对画面色彩结构以及色彩视觉心理的学习,在对传统的设色规律认识理解的同时也应加强对当代视觉心理的研究。

    Hence , it is necessary to emphasize the study of color structure and color visual psychology while inheriting the traditional painting ideas and skills in teaching .