
  • 网络design specification;Design Brief
  1. 测试结果和在轨运行状况表明,C星数传与云图广播转发器的性能符合设计任务书要求,在轨运行正常稳定。

    The test result and on-orbit operation showed that the performance of the transponder subsystem of data transmitting and clouds image broadcasting for C satellite had met the requirements . The subsystem operated normally .

  2. 关于图书馆建筑设计任务书撰写的分析与研究

    Analysis and research about the writing of the design document of library architecture

  3. 基于概念依存图理论研究机械产品设计任务书的功能抽象表达

    Function Abstracting Expression of Mechanical Product Specifications Based on Conceptual Dependency Diagram Theory

  4. 工程可行性研究是工程建设前期工作的重要步骤,是编制建设项目设计任务书的重要依据。

    The feasibility study for a project is the key stage before the whole project construction .

  5. 在指导老师的帮助下,基本上成功地实现了设计任务书的要求。

    In instructs under teacher 's help , basically successfully has realized the design project description request .

  6. 许多船东,特别是欧美国家的船东,在设计任务书中对船舶舱室噪声水平提出了严格的要求。

    So the ship-owners , especially the European ship-owner , stipulate the requirement about the shipboard noise in the contract specifications .

  7. 船舶设计任务书是船舶设计的重要依据,是由船东制定完成的,充分反映了船东对船舶的设计要求。

    Specification is an important basis for ship design , which is made by ship-owner , and reflects their design requirements adequately .

  8. 设计任务书中重视的不仅为帆船基地的基本设施,更要求项目与周边地区的协调性。

    The brief envisaged more than the usual sailing base facility , expanding in scope to embrace the surrounding precinct of Qingdao .

  9. 合同的要求及合同评审结果,标准要求等,以设计任务书形式表达;

    The requirement and reviewing result of the contract , the requirement of standards , expressed in the form of design task requirement .

  10. 环境影响报告书经批准后,计划部门方可批准建设项目设计任务书。

    The Department of planning shall not ratify the design plan descriptions of the construction project until after the environmental impact statement on the construction project is approved .

  11. 根据设计任务书中规定的总的下潜次数要求,最后给出了我国目前正在研制的7000米载人潜水器耐压球壳的疲劳载荷谱。

    According to the requirement of the total diving number and the assumption of the distribution type , the fatigue load spectrum for the 7000m deep manned submersible is given .

  12. 本文简要介绍了机器设计任务书内容的重要性、机器精度分析设计的经济性原则、机器精度分析的基本依据。

    This paper introduced simply the essentiality of the design assignment ' con tents , the economy principle to analyze and design the machinery precision , the basis of the machinery precision analysis .

  13. 环境影响报告书经批准后,审批建设项目的主管部门方可批准该建设项目的可行性研究报告或者设计任务书。

    The competent authorities for the examination and approval of construction projects may ratify the feasibility study report or the design plan descriptions of the construction project only after the statement of environmental effect has been approved .

  14. 图书馆建筑设计任务书是建筑师与图书馆员沟通的桥梁,是设计图书馆的依据。

    Libraries ' architectural design will become intelligent ; The introduction to the architectural design for the construction of a college library is a bridge over the communication between the architects and librarians , and it is also the fundamental basis of the design of a library .

  15. 港口建设项目前期工作,主要包括预可行性研究、项目建议书、工程可行性研究、设计计划任务书和初步设计。

    The earlier stage work in harbour construction projects mainly involves preliminary feasibility study , project proposal , engineering feasibility study , statement of design tasks and preliminary design .

  16. 学习环境方面,笔者尝试了基于问题的学习环境的设计、任务书及游戏规则的设计、合作学习环境的设计及真实情境的设计。

    Learning environment , I try to design the problem-based learning environment , design the mission book and the " rules of the game " , design the cooperative learning environment and the real situations .

  17. 设计是根据设计任务书的要求和《公路桥规》的规定对胜利河桥进行方案比选和设计的。

    The design is based on the requirements of the design task and " Highway Bridge Regulation " .

  18. 负责、组织项目概念、方案、施工图,设计要点、设计任务书、委托设计合同编制。

    Be in charge of the compilation of the project concepts , schemes , construction design , key design points and contracts .

  19. 高校新建分校区图书馆的建筑设计高等学校图书馆建筑设计任务书的准备

    Preparation of the introduction to the architectural design for the construction of a college library

  20. 联调试验的结果证明,本课题所设计的系统已满足了设计任务书的要求和实际需要。

    The results of system debug prove that the system has satisfied the request of the task and actual requirements .