
  • 网络On Cooperation
  1. 1923年列宁口授的论文《论合作制》有这样的断语:合作社在资本主义国家条件下是集体的资本主义组织。

    In his 1923 dictating paper , On the Cooperative System , Lenin concluded that the cooperative association under conditions of capitalist countries is the collective capitalist organization .

  2. 论股份合作制企业的相关财务问题

    Financial Problems of Stock Corporation

  3. 论中国股份合作制的历史命运

    On the Historical Destiny of Joint-Stock System in China

  4. 新两权分离论&农地股份合作制的产权分析与政策建议

    On New Separation of the " Two Rights " & Property Right Analysis and Policy Suggestions of the Stock-Cooperation System of Farmland

  5. 论合作银行的合作制与商业化&兼论入世后中国合作金融发展的思路

    On the Cooperative System and Commercialization of Cooperative Banks & Also on thoughts about Chinese Cooperative Finance after accession into the WTO