
  1. 图书馆应该享有法定许可使用权

    Library Should Have the Right of Legal License

  2. 法定许可使用权尚不宜扩展到图书馆

    " The Legal Admits to Use the Power " still not Proper Expand to the library

  3. 奥林匹克标志权的内容包括专有使用权、许可使用权和禁止权。

    The Olympic logos rights include the exclusive right to use the Olympic logo , the right to use license and the right to prohibit .

  4. 本文主体主要由以下部分组成:第一部分是关于专利许可使用权出资的基本问题。

    This paper mainly consists of the followingcomponents : The first part is about the basic problems of the investment of patent right ' slicensed using .

  5. 对于专利许可使用权能否用作出资,相关法律未置可否,学界也没有定论。

    For the patent licensed using right can be used as capital contribution or not , laws made no comment , academic circles have not yet conclusive .

  6. 然而,在《著作权法实施细则》中并无著作权质押或者著作权许可使用权质押的规定。

    However , in the " Rules for the Implementation of the Copyright Law ," there is no copyright pledge , or pledge the right to use copyright licensing regulations .

  7. 图书复权是一种图书再次出版过程中再次许可使用著作权或专有出版权的特殊法律行为和现象。

    Book empowered once again is one law action and phenomenon about using of copyright or special publishing right in book published process once again .

  8. 大多数软件许可授予有限使用权。

    Most software licenses grant limited rights of use .

  9. 著作权许可使用制度是著作权法中一项非常重要的法律制度。

    Copyright licensing is a very important aspect of copyright law .

  10. 使用者以合理的条件要求与著作权集体管理组织订立许可使用合同,著作权集体管理组织不得拒绝。

    Where any user requests with reasonable conditions to conclude with the organization for collective administration of copyright a license contract , the organization for collective administration of copyright shall not refuse such request .

  11. 不过平卡斯没有明确指出Zynga将自行申请许可证,还是通过与其他公司合作的方式来获得许可证的使用权,因此Zynga与Betable合作的可能性仍然是存在的。

    But Pincus declined to specify whether Zynga would pursue its own licenses or obtain their use through a partnership , leaving the door open for a potential betable deal .