
jì suàn jī pèi zhì
  • computer configuration
  1. 双击计算机配置,然后依次单击windows设置、安全设置、本地策略和用户权限分配。

    Double-click computer configuration , click windows settings , click Security settings , click local policies , and then click user rights assignment .

  2. 本文对用于新机主动控制技术ACT电/光传飞行操纵系统的一种采用三冗余加一备份方案的容错计算机配置作了一般性介绍;

    A fault tolerant computer configuration which is consisted with triplex computers and a back-up computer and is provided for ACT flight control system in FLy-By-Wire / Light .

  3. 应用程序配置文件设置重写计算机配置文件设置。

    The application configuration file setting overrides the machine configuration file setting .

  4. 注册表是Windows系统存储关于计算机配置信息的数据库,包括系统运行时调用的运行方式的设置。

    REG is database about Windows storage computer configure info , including setup of run mode in system running call .

  5. 若要将计算机配置为在收到文件后自动将windows资源管理器打开到默认位置,请单击选中在接收图片后,寻找位置复选框。

    To configure your computer to automatically open windows explorer to the default location after you receive files , Click to select the explore location after receiving pictures check box .

  6. 标准的英特尔架构个人计算机配置成处理达四个IDE(整合磁盘电子学)硬式磁盘机。

    The standard Intel architecture PC is configured to manage up to four IDE ( Integrated Drive Electronics ) hard drives .

  7. 可以考虑这样的生产环境场景,在这个场景中,使用先前介绍的缺省配置为数千台IBMNAS客户端计算机配置了IBMNAS服务器。

    Consider a production environment scenario where there are thousands of IBM NAS client machines configured to the IBM NAS server machine using the default configuration previously described .

  8. 针对数控测试系统,则巧妙利用数据库、多线程、CORBA技术,灵活、经济、可靠地实现了其分布式开发,为计算机配置低的历史遗留测试系统的分布式开发提供了可靠、现实的借鉴、参考。

    By used the database , multithread and CORBA technology skillfully , the distributed exploitation is realized flexibly , economically and reliably . This provides the reliable and realistic reference for the distributed exploitation of the measurement system with low performance computer equipment .

  9. 可以使用名为LinuxConf的应用程序为局域网上的每个计算机配置或重新配置网卡。

    You can use an application program called LinuxConf to configure or reconfigure the NIC of each computer in the LAN .

  10. 提出了利用中间件技术对历史遗留测试系统进行分布式开发的策略:对计算机配置高的历史遗留测试系统,结合其特点探索出了一种高效率、高性能的基于CORBA-DCOM的分布式开发方案;

    The exploitation strategies with middleware technology are provided to old information-islanded distributed measurement system . For the measurement systems with high performance computer equipment , according to their characters , a kind of exploitation strategy is explored , which is based on CORBA-DCOM with high efficiency and performance .

  11. 这个组件将计算机配置成可以同时为多个用户运行程序

    This component configures the computer to run programs for multiple simultaneous users

  12. 使用授权管理器来对基于角色的管理和计算机配置。

    Use Authorization Manager for Role-based administration and computer configuration .

  13. 存储和显示计算机配置的有关信息。

    Stores and displays information about your computer configuration .

  14. 每一台计算机配置不同组合的系统软件。

    Each computer had different combinations of system software .

  15. 将计算机配置成为终端服务许可证服务器以便提供客户端许可证。

    Configures this computer as a Terminal Services license server that provides client licenses .

  16. 也可以使用应用程序和计算机配置文件指定凭据信息。

    Credentials information can also be specified using the application and machine configuration files .

  17. PC&1500计算机配置软磁盘机的研究与设计

    A Miniature Relation Database Management System TDMS RESEARCH AND DESIGN OF THE PC-1500 COMPUTER WITH DISK MACHINE

  18. 此文件中的域名与为此计算机配置的域名不匹配。

    The domain name in the file does not match the domain name configured for this computer .

  19. 否,我不希望我的计算机配置成可以响应远程桌面共享呼叫

    No , I do not want my computer to be able to answer Remote Desktop Sharing calls

  20. 你将要改变用户配置和计算机配置的刷新时间间隔。

    You 'll want to change the refresh interval for both the User Configuration and Computer Configuration settings .

  21. 所请求的区域设置信息不可用于指定的区域性。这可能指示计算机配置问题。

    Requested locale information was not available for the specified culture . This may indicate a machine configuration problem .

  22. 显示设置无法保存。您可能没有权限更改计算机配置。

    The display settings could not be saved . You may not have the required privileges to change the machine 's configuration .

  23. 管理员用组策略中的计算机配置节点设置应用到计算机的策略,而不考虑登录到它们的用户。

    Administrators use the Computer Configuration node in Group Policy to set policies that are applied to computers , regardless of who logs onto them .

  24. 在结构、色、寸方面得到客户认证。将计算机配置成为终端服务许可证服务器以便提供客户端许可证。

    To achieve customer approval for the construction / colour / size etc. Configures this computer as a Terminal Services license server that provides client licenses .

  25. 如果计算机配置为允许远程桌面连接,则多个用户可以同时创建和调试本地文件系统网站。

    If the computer is configured to allow remote desktop connections , multiple users can create and debug local file-system web sites at the same time .

  26. 因此计算机配置数量与档次应根据教学需要来确定,不应盲目贪高求新;

    So the number and grade of computer equipment should be fit for the need of teaching instead of asking for high quality and new type blindly .

  27. 实时浏览模块、操作日志查看模块、计算机配置浏览模块、消息发送模块和系统配置模块,构成了系统的完整结构。

    It is composed of browsing screen module , looking over operation log module , computer configure scout module , sending message module and system configure module .

  28. 在这种情况下,计算机配置文件是存放设置的合适位置,这样就不会将相同的设置放在两个不同的文件中。

    In this case , the machine configuration file is the appropriate place for the settings , so you don 't have the same settings in two different files .

  29. 另外,不包含公钥标记的引用并不受版本策略的限制,所以从不检查应用程序配置文件和计算机配置文件。

    Additionally , references that do not include the public key token are not subject to version policy , so the application and machine configuration files are never checked .

  30. 本文介绍了本项技术改造的基本原理,所用色谱数据工作站的技术参数、计算机配置以及一个分析测定海水样品的实例。

    An example of determining the nutrient salts in seawater and the technical parameters such as the parameters of chromatogram 's data workstation , PC are introduced in this paper .