
jì huà biǎo
  • schedule;sked
  1. 尽管存在上述规定,承包商仍应与shell密切协作,经双方一致同意,编制一份文件提交计划表,以便高效完成本工程。

    Notwithstanding the above , the Contractor shall work closely with shell to establish a document submission schedule agreeable to both parties and expeditious to the completion of the work .

  2. 当然,在我提议开办一个专栏来讲解如何创建一系列开放源码XML应用程序时,就已经和编辑一起制订了这个计划表。

    Of course , there 's the schedule I had worked out with the editor when I proposed a column that would document the process of creating a series of open-source XML applications .

  3. 本文中还介绍了Ems公司将其新产品引入市场的计划表。

    Ems has a tight action plan for the market introduction of the new products .

  4. 要运行标准的分析规则集,开发经理要使用BuildForge来自动化配置,配置计划表的步骤,并运行软件分析。

    To run the standard analysis rule set , the development manager uses Build Forge to automate the steps to configure , schedule , and run software analysis .

  5. 其中包括每周的主管会议、加班的保守使用、每日的Delta报告、在计划表中加入休闲,以及利用事后检讨来持续提高效率等等。

    Examples include weekly leads meetings , conservative use of overtime , daily delta reporting , building slack into the schedule , and using postmortems to continually improve efficiency .

  6. 通过对酿造酱油的生产工艺过程进行危害分析,从而建立起HACCP计划表。

    The HACCP project form can be drawn up by hazard analysis of the process of production technology of soy sauce .

  7. 这两个计划表方案都要求在未来十年削减大约4万亿的赤字,对比GDP的比例,已经足够使债务呈现一个下降趋势。

    Both plans would have cut the deficit by roughly $ 4 trillion over the next decade , enough to put the debt on a downward path relative to GDP .

  8. 最后,Irish指出了制作人和市场销售部门之间的关系以及把市场销售的需求列入预算和计划表的重要性。

    Lastly , Irish addresses the relationship between producer and marketing department , and the importance of factoring marketing needs into the budget and schedule .

  9. 本文重点介绍了精制天然色素产品的生产工艺流程,以及对工艺流程的说明,进行危害分析,制定出可行的HACCP计划表。

    This article mainly introduces and illustrates the flow chart and hazard analysis of producing refined natural colors by which method we established the feasible HACCP plan .

  10. 为了表达的方便,按照5W的构思编制项目沟通计划表,对沟通对象,信息形式,沟通时机,沟通方式进行了规定。

    For convenience of express , the writer use 5W idea to design the project communication plan table , which defines communication object , information format , communication time and ways .

  11. 将HACCP体系用于派类蛋糕生产的安全控制中,通过危害分析,确定了原辅料接受、配料、烘烤和冷却4个关键控制点,并制定了相应的HACCP计划表。

    HACCP system was applied into the food safety control of pie cake production . After hazard analysis , receiving of raw materials , mixing , baking and cooling were confirmed to be the critical control points , and the HACCP plan table was established .

  12. 使用颜色代码的日计划表的颜色显示。

    A color display of a day-planner which uses color codes .

  13. 最好的:就是让他们安排时间计划表。

    Best yet : get them to attach the time frame .

  14. 谈谈内审工作中年度计划表的编制

    Discuss on the Compilation of Annual Internal Quality Audit Project

  15. 但是对于无核化进程他却没有一个明确的计划表。

    But he did not lay out a timescale for his plan .

  16. 指挥官,我要你拆了这条船直到你找出那些计划表

    Commander , tear this ship apart until you 've found those plans

  17. 我们需要查看你们这些的计划表。

    We 'll need to see a schedule of all your deliveries .

  18. 我会把它记在我的计划表上。

    I 'll jot it down on my to-do list .

  19. 可以自动生成一个日生产计划表。

    An one day production schedule can be automatically generated .

  20. 以这条铅笔印为指引,把计划表画完。

    Draw up the plan using this pencil outline as a guide .

  21. 为订阅内容设置初始值和同步计划表。

    Set the initialization and synchronization schedule for the subscription .

  22. 编制机车乘务员工作计划表公德地盘嘉许计划〔工务局〕

    Rostering of locomotive crew Considerate Contractors Award Scheme [ Works Bureau ]

  23. 定额流动资金计划表

    Required liquid capital deficit planned statement of standardized current capital

  24. 照计划表明天她将忙个不停。

    She 's going to have a hectic schedule tomorrow .

  25. 运用相关背景资料编制项目实施进度计划表。

    Use the relevant background information to put together a project charter .

  26. 连你的生日礼物计划表这里都有

    It 's even got a chart for all your birthday gifts .

  27. 制定及安排相关工作进度计划表。

    Formulate and arrange related job schedule planning report .

  28. 安排一个适合自己的阅读计划表。

    Determine a reading schedule that works for you .

  29. 只是稍微改动一下计划表。

    Just making a few changes to the schedule .

  30. 协调其他工程师和工段长修改设备检查表和维修计划表。

    Revise machine inspection sheets and maintenance schedule coordinating other engineers and foremen .