
shì huàn jué
  • visual hallucination
  1. 结论视幻觉是PD患者常见的一种非运动性症状,认知功能、病情严重程度、多巴胺激动剂的使用可能与视幻觉的发生有关。

    Conclusion Visual hallucination is a common non-motor symptom among patients with PD , and cognitive function , disease severity and usage of dopamine agonists may be related to visual hallucination .

  2. 以波动性认知功能障碍、视幻觉和帕金森病综合征为路易体痴呆的特征性临床特点。

    Fluctuating cognitive impairment , visual hallucination , and Parkinsonism are all its clinical characteristics .

  3. 拟交感神经药物诱发的万花筒样视幻觉与胼胝体压部的可逆性损伤相关CT病灶为低密度,MR表现为T1WI低信号;

    Sympathomimetic-induced kaleidoscopic visual illusion associated with a reversible splenium lesion CT revealed large low density areas in the genu and the splenium of the corpus callosum .

  4. 反复发生的具体的生动的视幻觉;

    Recurrent visual hallucinations that were typically well formed and detailed ;

  5. 视力损害中的复杂视幻觉:一种结构性病史采集方法

    Complex visual hallucinations in the visually impaired : A structured history-taking approach

  6. 帕金森病患者药物诱导的视幻觉相关因素

    Factors associated with drug-induced visual hallucinations in Parkinson 's disease

  7. 帕金森病患者视幻觉发生率及危险因素的调查

    Investigations on prevalence and risk factors of visual hallucination in patients with Parkinson 's disease

  8. 临床表现以意识障碍伴有思维不连贯,遗忘,视幻觉和行为紊乱等为主。

    Main clinical manifestations were consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking , amnesia , visual hallucination and behavioral disturbance .

  9. 此类病人的临床表现以意识障碍为特征,并伴有思维不连贯、遗忘、视幻觉及行为紊乱等。

    Main clinical manifestations are consciousness disorder accompanied by incoherence of thinking , forgetting , visual hallucination , behavioral disorder and other clinical symptoms .

  10. 结论认知功能减退的患者出现波动性认知功能障碍、反复的视幻觉和帕金森样运动障碍应高度怀疑路易体痴呆。

    Conclusion : Fluctuating cognitive impairment patient with recurrent visual hallucinations and spontaneous motor features of Parkinsonism shall be high suspected to be dementia with Lewy bodies .

  11. 在相切宇宙内的时期,活体接收者经常被恶梦、以及音、视上的幻觉所折磨。

    The Living Receiver is often tormented by terrifying dreams , visions and auditory hallucinations during his time within the Tangent Universe .