
  • 网络Economies of Scale Theory;theory of economies of scale;economic of scale;Scope economic theory
  1. 结合委托代理理论、规模经济理论和智力资本理论,提出了本文的理论基础。

    With the principal-agent theory 、 the economies of scale theory and the intellectual capital theory , we propose the research supposition .

  2. 因此,用规模经济理论指导农村教育事业发展的科学性值得商榷。

    Therefore , the scientific nature to use school economies of scale theory to guide the development of rural education is open to discussion .

  3. 战略联盟与企业规模经济理论探讨

    Strategic Alliance and the Theory of Scale Economy in Enterprises

  4. 理论上有助于进一步完善和发展规模经济理论。

    It is helpful to develop the scale of operation in the aspect of theory .

  5. 因此,规模经济理论可以在提升和维持企业竞争力方面得到重新认识。

    Therefore , theory of scale economy can be recognized from viewpoint of acquire enterprises competitve advantages .

  6. 第一章,主要分析了金融业混业经营的两大理论基础――规模经济理论和范围经济理论。

    Chapter 1 analyses two theoretical basis of the mixed financial industry system & scale-economy and scope-economy theories .

  7. 本论文以制度创新理论、人力资本理论、规模经济理论和教育经济学理论等做为教育资源整合研究的理论基础。

    This paper researchs educational resources integration according to human capital theory , scale economics theory and education economics theory .

  8. 这可以从消费者行为理论、规模经济理论以及地租衰减理论得到很好的解释。

    All this can demonstrated by way of the consumer behavior theory , scale economic theory and rent reduction theory .

  9. 本文运用了金融集聚论,规模经济理论和地理经济学理论。

    This dissertation utilizes the theory of finance agglomeration , the theory of scale economies and the theory of geographical economics .

  10. 这些挑战体现在资产理论、股份制、企业组织机构、规模经济理论、企业管理理论等方面。

    These challenges are embodied in property theory , share system , enterprise institutional framework theory , scale-economy theory , enterprise management theory .

  11. 通讯极为符合规模经济理论:制作第一份通讯耗时费力,但接下来则极其简便。

    Newsletters are subject to extreme economies of scale : the first copy is time-consuming to produce but the rest take just seconds .

  12. 根据规模经济理论,适度扩大农户耕地经营规模,可以降低成本,取得规模效益。

    According to Theory of Scale Economy , expanding the scale of rural households ' farmland appropriately can reduce costs and achieve economies of scale .

  13. 而且它对现有的经济理论如规模经济理论、边际收益理论、货币政策理论、金融组织理论等也是一大挑战。

    Meanwhile , it challenges traditional economic theories , such as scale economy theory , marginal revenue theory , monetary policy theory , financial organization theory etc.

  14. 第一章是文献综述,从古典经济学、新古典经济学、其他西方经济学家和中国学者对相关问题的论述,回顾总结了中小企业规模经济理论的研究成果。

    The first chapter reviews the theory of scale economy from the view of classical economy , neo-classical economy , other western economists and Chinese scholars .

  15. 因此,本文首先从比较优势理论、规模经济理论、离岸服务外包模型理论、内部治理理论等方面对金融外包的理论支持做出了相关阐述。

    Therefore , the paper will make a discussion from Comparative Advantages Theory , Scale Economy Theory , Offshore Outsourcing Models Theory and Internal Management Theory .

  16. 第三章主要以交易费用理论、价值链理论、规模经济理论和速度经济理论为基础,通过战略联盟的形成机理、价值链和经济效应三个方面来分析战略联盟是如何增强企业的优势。

    Chapter three studies how strategic alliance strengthen company advantage , according to the forming mechanism of strategy alliances , value chain , and ecnomics dominion effect .

  17. 对古典学派的规模经济理论、制度学派的交易费用理论以及对混合并购的一些理论进行评述。

    Then follows the critics towards the Scale Economy Theory of Classical Economics , Transaction Cost Theory of Systematic Economics and some mixed M & A theories .

  18. 首先,从规模经济理论的发展、规模经济的概念、规模经济对经济发展的作用几个方面对规模经济作出全面的阐述。

    Firstly , comprehensive elaboration to the development of economies of scale , the concept of economies of scale and the function of economies of scale are made .

  19. 这章首先介绍分析了本文的理论基础,具体的理论基础是规模经济理论、委托&代理理论和信号传递理论。

    This chapter first introduces the theoretical basis of this analysis , the theory is based on the specific scale of economic theory , the principal-agent theory and signaling theory .

  20. 本文应用霍夫曼定理、地区差异循环理论、规模经济理论、产业联系理论,对我国的产业结构现状加以分析,进而提出优化我国产业结构的对策思路。

    The status of industrial structure in china is analysed with the industrial theories in the article . Furthermore , the suggestion about industrial structure in China is advised , abvised .

  21. 以规模经济理论为基础,概括了规模经济效应对产业成长的重要作用,提出了产业规模化经营是产业成长的关键性条件的观点;

    According to scale economy theory , this paper summarizes important effects of scale economy effect to industry growth , and put forward the viewpoint that scale business is critical to industry growth .

  22. 摘要针对供应链核心企业合作夥伴数量问题,运用规模经济理论提出合作夥伴选择时应考虑到合作夥伴的数量限制问题。

    Based on the quantity limitation of supply chain parther selection , this paper describes that the key enterprise should think of the quantity limitation of supply chain partner when it selects partners .

  23. 从规模经济理论、审计级差理论、资产专用性理论等三个方面分析可知,合并在会计师事务所规模化发展中发挥了重要作用。

    From three aspects of analysis of the scale economy theory , theory of differential auditing , asset-specific theory of , merger has played an important role in firms ' scale of development in the accounting firm .

  24. 第三部分为信阳市息县农村居民点建设的理论基础。从人居环境理论、规模经济理论、公众参与理论、帕累托最优理论等四个方面来选定理论支撑点。

    Chapter three is the basic theories about the construction of rural settlement in Xixian , Xinyang city , which covers the Human Settlement Theory , Scale Economic Theory , Public Participation Theory and Pareto Optimality Theory .

  25. 规模经济理论告诉我们,规模大的企业更容易形成规模经济效果,因而垄断企业的规模经济效果是完全竞争企业不可比拟的,成本不变假说就显得很不真实。

    Scale economy theory told us that larger enterprises form scale economy effect easier , so , the scale economy effects of monopoly enterprises ' were incomparable , and the hypothesis of cost unchanged was not sure .

  26. 规模经济理论及研究方法的局限性及高等教育的特殊性,使得大学最小有效规模或最佳规模的研究结果有很大差异。

    Because of the limitations of the theory and these methods , the characteristics of higher education , there are great differences in the results for the research in both minimum efficient scale and optimum scale of universities .

  27. 摘要本文从全新的角度-规模经济理论出发,通过对规模经济理论进行分析,发现其存在的缺陷,对之进行基础性重构,并重点集中于探讨其与贸易条件之间的关系。

    The paper analyses the theory of scale economy from a new perspective of the theory of scale economy , finds its shortcomings , reconstructs it fundamentally and studies the relationships between the theory and terms of trade .

  28. 绿色食品产业特性与产业政策作用领域产业政策存在的理论依据有:市场失灵理论、比较优势理论、结构转换理论和规模经济理论。

    The characteristics of green food industry and the influenced field of industrial policy . The theories about the necessity of industrial policy include market failure theory , comparative superiority theory , structure transformation theory and scale economy theory .

  29. 分工协作理论、规模经济理论、产业区位理论和新产业区位理论、增长极理论、技术创新理论等对产业集群发展的理论支持;

    The backing of the theory of the industrial cluster development from the dividing and co-operative theory , mass economy theory , district-based industry theory , and new district-based industry theory , the increasing-pole theory and technology innovation theory .

  30. 本文主要以高校社会化改革为对象,从马克思的市场经济理论、新制度经济学理论以及规模经济理论来分析后勤社会化的理论基础。

    The main content studied includes : Analyses the theoretical foundation with socialized logistics from Marx 's market economic theory , new system economics theory and scale economic theory , in order to explain the intension of the socialized logistics .