
  • 网络Guanyin Cave
  1. 喀斯特风景溶洞的新发现:江油观音洞

    New Discovery on Karst Scenery Cave : Jiangyou Guanyin Cave

  2. 亭内横梁上彩绘观音洞传说故事。

    Its beams bear colored paintings illustrating a legend about the Mother Buddha Cave .

  3. 由此人们便知道观音洞与永定河相通。

    From then on it was known that the Cave connects to the River .

  4. 观音洞,是千灵山诸洞中最大、最深的一个洞窟,因洞前原有“观音庵”而得名;

    Mother Buddha Cave is the largest and deepest among all the caves in Qianling Mountain .

  5. 后来老虎主动来到观音洞听法修行,并保护高僧。

    Moved by his action , the tiger became his disciple , practicing Buddhism and protecting him at the Cave .

  6. 目前已开发有佛史洞、佛传洞、观音洞等,向世人展示着丰富的佛教文化。

    Now in the exploitation , there are cavities about history of Buddha , publicity and Kwan-yin , which bring forth abundant Buddha culture to the earthling .