
  • 网络west liaohe plain;xiliaohe plain
  1. 西辽河平原环境地质问题与可持续发展

    The environmental geological problems and sustainable development in West Liaohe Plain

  2. 因此,西辽河平原种植芦笋在春季采笋期间设立风障、小拱棚等保护性设施是提高绿芦笋产量和质量的有效途径。

    Building windbreak or small shed mulching with plastic film during the harvest season was an effective way to improve the yield and quality of green asparagus spears in the West Liaohe Plain .

  3. 翁牛特旗&库伦旗一带为西辽河平原周边的严重缺水区。

    Circumjacent area of west Liaohe River campagna from Wongniuteqi to Kulunqi is Short of Water Seriously .

  4. 内蒙古西辽河平原麦后复种饲料作物研究

    Study on Sequential Cropping Forage Crops after Wheat in the Plain of the West-Liao River in Inner Mongolia

  5. 辽代西辽河冲积平原及邻近地区的湖泊

    The Changes of the Lakes in the Flood Plain of West Liao River in Liao Dynasty