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  1. 西秦岭礼岷金矿田构造压影域控矿模式

    Ore control model of structural press shadow domains at Limin gold ore area in western Qinling

  2. 西秦岭礼岷金矿带李坝群含金浊积岩建造地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of Liba Group Gold-Bearing Turbidite Formation in Lixian-Minxian Gold Mineralized Zone , West Qinling , Gansu Province

  3. 西用礼刑法律原则的适用,旨在维护等级秩序、强调官僚贵族与平民的不平等的社会现实。

    Legal principle of gift and punishment in the Western Zhou Dynasty aims at maintaining the grade order , emphasizing the social reality of unequality between bureaucrat 's noble and common people .