
  • 网络Xixi;Westbrook
  1. 抗议者说,在这里,像西溪Moho这样的情况并不少见。

    The situation at Xixi Moho is not uncommon in the area , the protesters say .

  2. 同时将TM影像和SPOT影像融合后对西溪湿地进行分类的精度与TM影像的分类精度进行对比,最后将虚拟现实技术引入湿地动态变化研究中。

    Meanwhile , we contrasted precision between TM image and merged image ( SPOT and TM ) and finally explored the technique of virtual reality in the study of dynamic changes of wetland .

  3. 运用SWAT模型对晋江西溪流域的非点源污染进行了研究。

    The SWAT model was applied to stimulating the transport of nitrogen and phosphorous in Xixi watershed within the Jinjiang River Basin .

  4. 在此基础上运用SWOT模型结合杭州西溪天堂喜来登五星级酒店AV系统工程现实情况对其风险因素进行了分析,对当前酒店AV系统工程建设中所面临的风险因素进行了更深层次的实证探究。

    On this basis , SWOT model in combination with the reality of Sheraton Hangzhou Wetland Park Resort AV System is used to analyze risk factors , and an empirical study is conducted on risk factors confronting current hotel AV system engineering constructions .

  5. 西溪和西湖两个风景区的比较研究

    Comparison Research on Two Scenery Regions the West Brook and the West

  6. 论湿地旅游资源的保护与利用&以杭州西溪湿地公园为例

    The Exploration of Preservation and Utilization of Wetland Tourist Resource

  7. 西溪公园的指示地图,我很喜欢。

    The map of Xixi park . I like the natural style .

  8. 潮州供水枢纽工程西溪截流试验研究与实施

    Experimental study on West Channel closure of Chaozhou Water Supply Project and its practice

  9. 芦花是西溪一大景观。

    Reed flowers are a major attraction here .

  10. 韩江西溪特大桥悬臂段挂篮悬灌法施工技术

    Hanging Basket Pouring Method in the Cantilever Section Construction of the Hanjiang West Creek Bridge

  11. 这标志着,西溪已成为世界关注的重要湿地;

    This indicates that , Xixi has become an important wetland drawing the world 's attention .

  12. 和上海相邻的杭州西溪国家湿地公园里,两个孩子正打着雨伞。

    Two young children take cover in Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou , near Shanghai .

  13. 西溪风景好。

    Xixi 's scenery is good .

  14. 韦斯特布鲁克是该度假村建在27公顷的西溪湿地公园和主机的几个高层次的连锁酒店。

    The Westbrook Resort is built on27 hectares of the Xixi Wetland Park and hosts several high-level hotel chains .

  15. 同时,湿地保护与利用的“西溪模式”也获得了世界的认可。

    At the same time ," Xixi model " of wetland protection and utilization also received the world recognition .

  16. 他参观了西溪国家湿地公园和城市大脑,城市大脑是旨在改善城市管理的智能城市平台。

    He visited the Xixi National Wetland Park and the City Brain , a smart city platform aiming to improve urban management .

  17. 本文通过引入意象的概念来研究西溪湿地景观元素构成和景观地域特质。

    This paper tries to , through introducing the concept of " image ", study the scenic elements and landscape related geographic features .

  18. 本文研究了杭州西溪河浮游甲壳动物的种类组成、种群动态、生物量及其与环境因子的关系。

    Community structure of planktonic crustacean in the Xiqi river , Hangzhou including species composition , population dynamics and biomass , was studied .

  19. 西溪国家湿地公园总面积约12平方公里,是全国首个国家湿地公园。

    With an area of around 12 square kilometers , the Xixi National Wetland Park is the first national wetland park in the country .

  20. 我们沿着西溪,翻山越岭,穿过果香扑鼻的苹果园,在黑龙潭附近待了老半天。

    Following the West Valley , we climbed more peaks and ridges , passed through the fragrant apple orchard , and lingered for a while by Black Dragon Pool .

  21. 介绍潮州供水枢纽工程的西溪枢纽布置和试验研究成果,该试验研究成果已被工程设计和施工的采用。

    This paper presents the layout and test results of Xixi Junction of the Chaozhou Water Supply Project which have been adopted in the design and construction of the project .

  22. 西溪国家湿地公园是中国唯一的湿地国家公园,公园内河港、池塘、湖泊和湿地的覆盖面积达到了70%。

    Xixi National Wetland Park is the only national wetland park in China , with river ports , ponds , lakes and wetlands covering 70 % of the park 's area .

  23. 杭州西溪湿地地处杭州西郊,是目前国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。

    Xixi National Wetland Park located in the west outskirts of Hangzhou is the first and the only national wetland park of China , which represents urban wetland , farming wetland and cultural wetland .

  24. 昨天的中国杭州西溪第三届国际论坛上,十多位国内外专家学者,围绕“湿地与文化”,作了主题发言。

    Yesterday , on the third China Hangzhou Xixi international forum , more than a dozen experts and scholars from home and abroad delivered speeches around the theme of " Wetlands and Culture " .

  25. 学校设玉泉、西溪、华家池、湖滨、之江、紫金港等6个校区,占地面积5.33平方公里,校舍总建筑面积200余万平方米。

    With six campuses , namely Yuquan , Xixi , Huajiachi , Hubin , Zhijiang , and Zijin'gang , the university now occupies a total area of 533 hectares and a floor space of over 2 000 000 square meters .