
  • 网络west river;Sogang;Xijiang River;Si-Kiang
西江 [xī jiāng]
  • [Xijiang River] 珠江的最大支流,发源于云南,到广西梧州后称西江,全长2129公里

  1. 西江05·6特大洪水预报分析

    Forecast and Analysis of Extraordinary Flood 05 · 6on the West River

  2. 带间隙氧化锌避雷器在西江大跨越的应用

    Application of ZnO Lightning Arrester with Air-gap on the Crossing Span over West River

  3. 我说:“好吧!我正好要去南方游说吴国和越国的国王,那我就请他们激起西江的大水来迎接您,可以吗?”

    I said : " All right , I am just going to the south to sell ideas to the kings of the States of Wu and Yue . I will ask them to stir up the water of the Xijiang River to welcome you . Will that do ? "

  4. 基于GIS的数字西江水质预警预报系统设计和应用

    Design and Application of Water Quality Pre-warning and Forecast System Based on GIS in Xi River

  5. 西江水体中有机质受C3、C4植物共同影响,其δ~(13)C值介于北江、东江之间。

    Influenced by C3 and C4 plant in the Xijiang River , its POC 6 13C value is between Dongjiang and Beijiang Rivers ' .

  6. 至少有4个β中尺度雨团(A、B、C、D)在西江流域发生发展。

    There were at least four meso - β - scale rainy clusters existing over the Xijiang River valley ( A , B , C , D ) .

  7. 利用4种鲤科鱼类的14对微卫星引物对西江流域一批野生鲮进行PCR扩增。

    A group of wild mud carp samples collected from Xijiang River was amplified by PCR using 14 pairs of microsatellite primers isolated from four species of Cyprinidae .

  8. 西江下游航道整治C1合同段蟠龙石炸礁工程施工方法

    Construction Method of Reef Blasting Engineering of Contract Section C1 in Downstream Waterway Regulation Engineering of Xijiang River

  9. 在LaNina当年1~3月时,西江流域主要表现为干旱少雨的特征。

    And from January to March in the year of La Nina , Xijiang River Basin mainly shows the characteristic of drought .

  10. 在珠江流域中,东江水体POC受C4植物草类以及作物的影响明显,δ~(13)C值比西江、北江偏重。

    POC in the Dongjiang river was influenced mainly by C4 plant such as grass and crops , and POC 6 13C value was heavier than that in the Xijiang and Beijiang Rivers .

  11. 1999年汛期,西江、北江下游及三角洲开展了历史上规模最大、项目最齐全的同步水文测验工作。NET开发平台环境下进行开发。NET风格的软件主框架;

    During the flood period of 1999 a simultaneous hydrometry , on the largest-scale and the fullest-items in history , was carried out in the downstream of Xijiang River , Beijiang River and the net rivers of Pearl River delta .

  12. 为了提高水厂自动化水平、实现管理控制一体化,西江水厂取水泵站工程中采用了PLC与计算机自动控制系统。

    To improve the automation level in water works , and to realize the integration of management and control , PLC and computerized control system are adopted in water intake pumping station project of Xijiang water works .

  13. 目的了解贵州西江苗族葡萄糖鄄6鄄磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)缺陷症的基因频率、基因突变类型特点及分布特征,从分子水平揭示G6PD基因多态性。

    Objective To analyze the genic frequency and gene mutations of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ( G6PD ) in Miao ethnic in Xijiang Guizhou .

  14. 水平槽道内湍流两相流的PIV测量西江、东海水道枯水期分流比实测研究

    Measurement of Turbulence in a Particle-laden Channel Flow Using PIV Technique ; Measurement and study of dry-period flow distribution ratio between Xijiang river and Donghai waterway

  15. 在ELNino当年1~3月和LaNina次年1~3月时,西江流域表现为干旱少雨、径流小的特征。

    From January to March in the year of El Nino and the next year of La Nina , Xijiang River Basin shows the characteristics of drought and low river discharge .

  16. 进一步采用人工神经网络与主成分分析(PCA)相结合的方法进行了西江流域梧州水位的预报方法研究。

    Furthermore , combined artificial neural network ( ANN ) method and principal component analysis ( PCA ) method , the study on forecast method of water level at Wuzhou over Xijiang valley is made .

  17. 国营西江船厂为柬埔寨建造的多艘援外船,全船水泵采用喷涂SEBF防腐技术。

    SEBF anticorrosion technology is used on all pumps on many ships built by state-run Xijiang Shipyard for Cambodia .

  18. 采用灰色关联法对西江30-2油田HB油藏进行剩余油分布评价,与实际生产吻合较好。

    And third , synthesis valuation with grey association analysis . With grey association analysis , it is available to evaluate remaining oil distribution on HB reservoir in Xijiang 30-2 oilfield and is consistent with the actual production data .

  19. ONI为负时,同期西江径流量及中、下游降水量出现负距平的概率,后枯水期高于前枯水期。

    When ONI is genitive , the probability for the Xijiang River discharge and precipitation in the middle and lower streams in post-dry season is higher than in pre-dry season .

  20. 在分析双尾鳍船型尾部伴流场的基础上,采用补偿导流技术对西江3000t级江海直达集装箱船进行模型试验与研究。

    By analyzing the incidental flow of the twin tail fin ship , a model test on the compensating duct used on the 3 000 t river sea container ship on the Xijiang River is studied .

  21. 通过EDSA电力系统分析仿真软件对西江23-1油田电力系统进行谐波分析,并根据仿真结果提出可行的滤波方案。

    With the EDSA power system analysis simulation software , the harmonic of the power system of Xijiang 23-1 project is analyzed and the feasible filter scheme is put forward according to the simulation results .

  22. 西江流域经济走廊建设前瞻

    Forward-looking on the Developments of Economic Hallway in Xijiang River Valley

  23. 西江航道尺度开发潜能研究

    Study on Exploitable Potential of Waterway Dimension in the Xijiang River

  24. 从龙母传说看西江文化

    Viewing the Xijiang Culture from Legends of Dragon King 's Mother

  25. 复杂地质条件下的西江路堑大滑坡处理

    The treatment of xijiang highway landslide on the complicated geologic structure

  26. 西江23-1油田海洋模块钻机结构设计

    Structure design of ocean-module drilling machine for XiJiang 23-I oil filed

  27. 贵州西江苗族神话史歌生命美学意蕴

    Guizhou Xijiang Miao Myth of History Songs Life Aesthetics Meaning

  28. 贵州西江苗族服饰的发展和时尚化研究

    Development and Fashion Research of Miao Nationality Costume in Xijiang

  29. 西江24-3和30-2生活模块项目管理

    The Project Management of Xijiang 24-3 & 30-2 Living Quarters

  30. 西江流域洪灾分析及防洪的几点建议

    The Xijiang river basin flood disaster analysis and some flood prevention suggestions