
  1. 黄堆老堡西周墓葬出土货币的初步研究

    Old Photos An Elementary Research on Coins Unearthed from Tombs of Western Zhou Dynasty in Huang Dui Lao Bao

  2. 这里发现和发掘的大量西周墓葬资料无疑反映了当时政治、经济、文化等方面社会状况和社会物质文化面貌。

    Reflected societal polity , economy and culture at that time , a lot of Western Zhou tombs were excavated in Henan .

  3. 并通过河南和陕西两地西周墓葬的比较研究,揭示姬周文化吸纳、融合和发展殷商文化以及形成中国传统文化基石的历程;探讨了西周时期的墓葬制度等相关问题。

    Through comparing Western Zhou tombs in Henan and Shaanxi , this dissertation exposed a process that Ji-Zhou culture assimilated , mixed with , and developed Jin-Zhou culture and formed traditional Chinese culture at last .

  4. 通过对河南考古发掘的近2000座西周墓葬资料的系统梳理,对墓葬的类型和分期进行了基础性研究,分析了墓葬类型与西周的阶级关系,建立了河南西周墓葬的年代序列;

    By systematically putting more than 2000 Western Zhou tombs unearthed in Henan in order , tomb forms were basically researched by stages , relations between tomb formes and its owners classes were analyzed , and time sequence of Western Zhou tombs in Henan was built .