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  1. 断层封堵性分析技术及其在舞阳&襄城凹陷的应用探讨

    Fault Sealing Analytical Technique and Its application in Xiangcheng-Wuyang Depression

  2. 襄城凹陷襄9井地化录井评价及其勘探意义

    Evaluation and Importance of Geochemical Logging of Well Xiang 9

  3. 舞阳、襄城盐湖盆地未熟-低熟油成藏模式

    Immature oil reservoir forming model in Wuyang and Xiangcheng saline basin , henan , china

  4. 河南省郏县襄城两地烟草病毒病大发生的原因及对策

    An investigation of the epidemics of tobacco viral disease in Henan province and the strategy of its control

  5. 襄樊市主要由三个区组成:襄城区,樊城区和高新区。

    Xiangfan is mainly composed of three districts , namely , Xiangcheng , Fancheng , and High-tech Zone .

  6. 舞阳、襄城盐湖盆地未熟油地球化学特征、判别标志及成因

    Geochemical characteristics , identification index and origin of the immature oils from Wuyang and Xiangcheng basins , henan , china

  7. 福建省襄城县钩虫病的感染率最高,为36.9%。

    The highest prevalence rate of hookworm infection was in Xiangcheng County in Fujian Province in southeastern China ( 36.9 % ) .

  8. 通过对舞阳、襄城凹陷原油及烃源岩样品的有机地化分析,研究了该区未熟油地球化学特征、判别标志及成因类型。

    Geochemical characteristics , identification index and origin of immature oils are investigated in terms of organic geochemical analyses of crude oils and source rocks from the Wuyang and Xiangcheng basins .

  9. 利用不同肥力土壤(低肥潮土和高肥黄壤,分别取自河南襄城和湖北兴山),研究了正常生产管理条件下烟田土壤微生物的组成及垂直分布特征。

    The composition and vertical distribution profile of microbes in different tobacco growing soils ( lean moisture soil from Xiangcheng , Henan Province and rich yellow soil from Xingshan , Hubei Province ) were studied .