
zhuāng xiū
  • renovation;fixtures;fit up;fit up (a house, etc.);trim;do up;smarten up;do out
装修 [zhuāng xiū]
  • [fit up (a house, etc.)] 房屋主体结构完成后的内部设施安装及墙面作业;房屋交付使用后的进一步装璜美化

  • 装修居室

装修[zhuāng xiū]
  1. 装修保修:按合同约定,由公司负责一定期限内的装修工程的维修。基于约束的多Agent装备维修协调决策

    Fit up and guarantee : according to the contract , our company will take charge of the maintenance of the equipment project in a certain time limited . Multi Agent Armament Maintenance Coordinated Decision Based on Constraint

  2. 新装修居室空气耗氧量浓度变化

    Variation of Air Oxygen Consumption 's in new Fit up Room

  3. 他们花了很多钱装修家居。

    They 've spent a lot of money on home improvements .

  4. 他们把房子装修了以后才迁入。

    They fixed up the house before they moved in .

  5. 这家旅馆重新装修花费达一百万元。

    The hotel has been refurbished to the tune of a million dollars .

  6. 装修是一位前房客搞的。

    The decorating was done by a previous tenant .

  7. 我想象不出这个房间在装修之前是什么样子。

    I can 't visualize what this room looked like before it was decorated .

  8. 这些年来我们花了许多钱做房屋装修。

    We 've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years .

  9. 我们刚刚重新装修了浴室。

    We 've just redone the bathroom .

  10. 旅馆已重新装修,但昔日优雅格调所剩不多。

    The hotel has been redecorated but it 's lost a lot of its style .

  11. 这房子已经彻底重新装修过了。

    The house has been fully redecorated .

  12. 我们刚刚重新装修过。

    We 've just redecorated .

  13. 这家商店的内部装修仍然保留着19世纪的风格。

    The interior of the shop still retains a nineteenth-century atmosphere

  14. 这家餐厅氛围轻松,装修雅致,而且价格非常公道。

    The restaurant is informal , stylish and extremely good value

  15. 他放手让斯蒂芬妮全权负责装修一事。

    He gave Stephanie a free hand in the decoration .

  16. 重新装修的事宜完全委托给她了。

    She was given carte blanche with the redecoration .

  17. 这家酒店最近重新设计和装修过。

    The hotel has recently been redesigned and redecorated

  18. 说到装修,他们就没有什么经验了。

    They are inexperienced when it comes to decorating

  19. 这家旅店近来彻底重新装修过。

    This hotel has recently been completely refurbished .

  20. 整个街区都在进行装修。

    The whole block is being fixed up .

  21. 装修厨房的时候,肯尼思选择的是一种亲切质朴的田园风格。

    When he came to decorate the kitchen , Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look

  22. 莫伊拉环顾四周,抽了抽鼻子。“这个地方太需要有人来装修一下了。”

    Moira looked around and sniffed . ' This place badly needs a decorator . '

  23. 尼古拉斯在普罗旺斯买了一座条件简陋的大房子,8月份正在装修。

    Nicholas has bought a barn in Provence and is spending August doing it up .

  24. 他们装修后面的卧室时,是耶马最后说了算。

    When they came to decorate the rear bedroom , it was Jemma who had the final say

  25. 装修浴室花的时间远比伊莱恩和丹尼斯预想的要长。

    The bathroom has taken a lot longer to get right than either Elaine or Dennis had envisaged .

  26. 很多人错误地认为家居装修总是要大动一番干戈。

    Many people fall into the trap of believing that home decorating must always be done on a large scale

  27. 为了装修新房子,他已经订购了一些塑料管子。

    He has ordered some plastic pipes to decorate his new house .

  28. 这些房间是以传统风格装修的。

    The rooms are decorated in the traditional style .

  29. 先把翘起来的漆皮刮掉再重新装修。

    Scrape off all the loose flakes of paint before redecorating .

  30. 外部装修,内部照常营业。

    Work went on as usual inside , uninterrupted by outside repairs .