
  • 网络schizogenous;schizogeny
  1. 藜蒿的分泌囊属于裂生式分泌囊。

    The secretory cavity of A.selengensis belonged to schizogenous secretory cavity .

  2. 细胞质在愈伤组织形成过程中逐渐减少,胞间隙在愈伤组织形成过程中逐渐增大,为裂生型胞间隙。

    The cytoplasm gradually reduced during the callus formation and the intercellular space increased gradually , the intercellular space was schizogenous intercellular space .

  3. 根状茎横切面显示表皮无气孔器,皮层具裂生通气组织,有内皮层,中柱具六个外韧维管束,髓部发达,薄壁细胞内含大量淀粉体和造油体。

    Shows that : Stoma is absent in the epidermis , schizogenous aerenchyma exist in cortex . Inside the endodermis , six collateral bundles lie in the vascular cylinder , pith tissue is developed and abundant amyloid and oleoplast accumulated in its parenchyma cells .