
  • 网络measurand;measure;measurable
  1. 本文介绍了被测量重构的意义及算法,介绍了一个测量系统中的DSP的开发环境,并对这个环境的主要部分作了说明。

    The motion and algorithm of the measurand reconstruction are described . An environment for developing DSP is proposed .

  2. 数字信号处理器(DSP)用于实现被测量重构,成为测量系统的组成部分。

    Digital signal processors ( DSP ) used for the realization of measurand reconstruction is a part of the measuring system .

  3. 误差(ERROR)-与被测量值的真值相比测量的偏差(差值或比值)。

    ERROR-the deviation ( difference or ratio ) of a measurement from its true value .

  4. IP传感器利用校正引擎,对检测值进行校正,输出精确的被测量。

    An IP sensor uses the correction engine to correct errors , and outputs precise physical values .

  5. 声表面波(SAW)传感器能将被测量转换成容易检测的频率信号,即一种准数字信号的输出。

    The surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) sensor can transform the measured object into frequency output , viz a kind of digital signal output .

  6. 提出一种基于快速傅里叶变换FFT(FastFouriertransform)准确测量系统频率的算法,并考虑了被测量系统频率的电压信号有效值的波动对系统频率测量准确度的影响。

    A FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) based algorithm for frequency measurement of power system taking amplitude and phase fluctuation of signal into consideration .

  7. 当PT的传输特性被测量后,就可以利用该综合方法建立该PT的宽频传输模型。

    After measuring the transfer characteristic of the PT , the wide frequency model of the PT can be set up with the synthesis method .

  8. 本文来自:译索网()自从1916年阿尔弗雷德·比奈(AlfredBinet)发明了智力量表,人类的智商就开始被测量。

    I.Q. scores have been measured since 1916 , when Alfred Binet developed his intelligence scale .

  9. PN分数与其他CSA组分分数的中度关联性提示出,被测量的品质当中,有些重叠,或相互关联。

    The moderate correlations between PN scores and various other CSA component scores suggest some overlap in , or interrelationships amongst , the traits being measured .

  10. 《测量不确定度指南》(GUM)的发表,使得电学计量在对被测量结果评定方面有了量化的指标和依据。

    With the publication of Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement ( GUM ), electric measurement has a quantitative index and basis when the result of measurement is evaluated .

  11. 利用MATLAB进行随机模拟,根据直接测量量的有关信息,对其误差进行仿真,然后求出被测量的估计值,利用统计方法计算合成标准不确定度。

    The software MATLAB is used to carried out stochastic simulation of the error based on measurement information , then the estimate of the measurand can be obtained and the combined standard uncertainty can be calculated using statistical methods .

  12. 不同组成的高冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)和低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)共混物的正电子湮没寿命谱被测量,结果表明HIPS和LDPE是不相溶共混物。

    The free volume properties of high impact polystyrene ( HIPS ) - low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) blend have been investigated by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectra ( PALS ) .

  13. 本论文针对FBAR微质量传感器设计的需要,采用测量频率的方法来实现对被测量的检测。

    This thesis focuses on the need of the FBAR micro-mass sensor design , the method of measuring frequency to be measured detection .

  14. 由0.7毫克的放射性锔244驱动,apxs利用α粒子(氦原子的原子核)和x-射线撞击样品使之产生可以被测量的化学成分。

    Powered by 0.7 milligram of radioactive curium 244 , apxs irradiates samples with alpha particles ( nuclei of helium atoms ) and X-rays to make sensitive measurements of chemical makeup .

  15. 本文在深入分析研究PSD的特点和工作原理的基础上,结合被测量对象的特点,首次提出了长定向管导槽对称度、缠角、内径等实时自动化测量的一种新方法;

    Based on in-depth analysis on characteristic and function principles of PSD , combined with characteristic of measured object , this article presents an new real-time measurement for symmetrical degree , guiding-groove , twining angle , inside radius of long direction pipe ;

  16. 分布式光纤传感器(DistributedOptical-fiberSensor,DOFS)除了具有一般光纤传感器抗电磁干扰、耐腐蚀以及电绝缘性好等优点,还能在沿光纤路径上得到被测量场在时间和空间上的连续分布信息。

    Distributed Optical-fiber Sensor ( DOFS ) has the advantages of electromagnetic interference resistance , corrosion resistance and electrical insulation just like optical fiber sensor , also can get on a path along the fiber optical measurement field in time and space distribution of continuous information .

  17. 但却是可以被测量并确实可靠的。

    But well within the range that can reliably be detected .

  18. 已分土地已经被测量或划分的一大片土地。

    A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off .

  19. 当总计的饮食纤维被测量的时候,一些反抗的淀粉被测量。

    Some resistant starch is measured when total dietary fibre is measured .

  20. 要被测量的电流通过电线进入线圈。

    The current to be measured enters the coil through the wire .

  21. 水滴在空气中的降落速度被测量过。

    The falling speed of water drops in air has been measured .

  22. 解决了重构之前建立数学模型问题和多影响量情况下的被测量重构问题。

    The problem of creating mathematical model before the reconstruction had been solved .

  23. 针对在试验中被测量的实际表面,提出了最佳平方逼近方法。

    In tests on the actual surface measurements were made the best square approaching .

  24. 下列的油舱将被测量。

    The following tanks will be gauged .

  25. 朋友是礼物,相当不能价值被测量除了靠记意。

    A friend is a gift , whose worth cannot be measured except by heart .

  26. 他们在实验室里被测量的表现真的很差。

    When we measure them in the lab , they 're really bad . Right ?

  27. 分析了定坐标系下锻件上被测量点的三维坐标。

    In the paper the measuring points coordinate in the fixed coordinates system is analyzed .

  28. 在此基础上分析被测量&时延τ的可实现性,并对国内建造恒星干涉仪应具有的特点提出了一些建议。

    The domestic constructed stellar interferometer , in which specialities should be have is projected .

  29. 这种设计可适用于所有相应测量范围的、被测量与周期相关的场合。

    The design can adapt to application range correspondingly and measured parameter with period relatively .

  30. 过程被测量并控制了。

    Processes are measured and controlled .