
  • 网络diffraction fringe
  1. 理论计算和实验表明影响细丝直径测量精度的因素包括:衍射条纹宽度的测量、入射光波E取向和CCD的横向移动等。

    The measurement of diffraction fringe width , the tropism of incident light E and the transverse displacement of CCD are the main factors that influence this precision from the study of theoretical arithmetic and experiment .

  2. 当光源狭缝还有一定宽度W时,衍射条纹将增宽,相应最小分辨角Δθk将增大,实际光栅系统的分辨本领将减小。

    When the slit of light source there is definite width W , the width of diffraction fringe should increase , and the minimum resolving angle Δθ k should be increasing , then the resolving power of actual grating system should be decreasing .

  3. CCD检测衍射条纹的数据处理

    Data Processing of Diffraction Stripes During CCD Measurement

  4. 基于CCD的单缝衍射条纹光强测量与小波去噪技术研究

    Application of the Light 's Strength Measurement for Single Slot Diffraction Stripes Based on CCD Detection and Wavelet 's Denoise Technology

  5. 本系统用He-Ne激光器产生的激光束,经准直扩束后,垂直照射待测细丝,形成衍射条纹。

    The diffraction fringes were built by irradiating the measured wire normally with a expanded He-Ne laser beam .

  6. 透明介质中单缝Fraunhofer′s衍射条纹的变化

    Variation in single slit Fraunhofer ′ s diffraction fringe in transparent medium

  7. 通过CCD的数据采集对单缝衍射条纹的光强进行测量试验,简要分析了试验中的噪声来源。

    The light 's intensity of single slot diffraction stripes is measured through the data acquisition of CCD detection , the source of noise in the experiment is briefly analyzed .

  8. 针对光栅衍射条纹强度分布的主极大强度进行研究,理论计算结果:主极大强度不是受一个单缝衍射强度调制,而是受缝数为N的光栅的N个单缝衍射强度调制。

    By studying main maximum of grating diffraction stripe intensity distribution and calculating in theory , I gain the conclusion that the main maximum is modulated by all single slit grating diffraction intensity but not by one single slit grating diffraction .

  9. 斜入射光栅衍射条纹的分布

    The stripes distributing of grating diffraction in conditions of oblique incidence

  10. 还对衍射条纹的信号处理进行研究。

    What 's more , the real-time processing on diffraction stripe is studied .

  11. 激光肌肉衍射条纹的机理与探测

    The mechanism and detection of laser diffraction in muscle

  12. 光栅衍射条纹分布的探讨

    Investigation of the distribution of raster diffraction stripe

  13. 光栅衍射条纹的最小次极大强度研究

    Study of grating diffraction stripe minimal secondary maximum

  14. 结果表明,激光束经过肌肉组织后,能在远场处产生明显的衍射条纹。

    And the results show that slice muscle tissue can make the incident laser beam generate obvious diffraction phenomena .

  15. 本文就是介绍一种简单的方法,把干涉条纹和衍射条纹分开。

    This paper introduce an easy way in which the interference fringes and the diffraction fringes can be separated .

  16. 对此,进行了理论分析,得出了衍射条纹强度分布与表面波振幅之间的解析关系式。

    By theoretical analysis of the relationship between the intensity distribution and the LSW amplitude , the damping constant was obtained .

  17. 并在激光束斜入射的条件下,实验上观察到衍射条纹具有明显的不对称性。

    Under the condition of incidence obliquely for the laser beam , the asymmetry of the diffraction stripe was observed obviously .

  18. 进一步分析得到,衍射条纹的间隔不仅与光栅常数有关,而且与入射角有关。

    We analysis further that the interval of the diffraction stripe is not only related to the grating constant , but also to the incident angle .

  19. 液体表面波衍射条纹的不对称性和弯曲液面的临界反射效应【心理】条件反射〔反应〕

    The Asymmetry of Diffraction Patterns from Liquid Surface Waves and the Critical Light Reflection from the Curved Liquid Surface ; a conditioned reflex [ response ]

  20. 锥形光栅的栅距呈线性周期性变化,在较小的通光范围内可以近似为均匀光栅,衍射条纹反应了当前的位置信息。

    Tapered grating have cyclical changing pitch and in the context of a smaller pass-ray can be approximated as a uniform grating . The diffraction fringes reflect the current location information .

  21. 本文拟导出菲涅耳直边衍射条纹的间距与波长、衍射距离的关系,可以较直观地了解菲涅耳衍射的情况。

    This paper is intended to introduce the relationship among the intervals of Fresnel 's right-sided diffraction stripes , its wave length and its diffractive distance , So we can audio-visually understand the Fresnel 's diffraction .

  22. 选用高密度光栅产生衍射条纹,研究其信号合成、采集及处理的方法以实现在长度计量中,纳米分辨力的计数。

    The method using the diffractive stripe brought by the high consistency of grating and researching the compound , gather and disposal of its signal to achieve the calculation of the resolving power of nanometer in the measurement of length .

  23. 根据光栅方程一般表达式,分析得到了衍射条纹的解析表达式,由该表达式可以解释衍射条纹位置和光斑强度的不对称性,及其产生的机理。

    According to the general formula of the grating equation , the analytical expression of the diffraction stripe is received . The position of the diffraction stripe and the flare strength asymmetry and its mechanism can be explained by this expression .

  24. 本文阐述了光栅衍射条纹的分布,将平行光斜入射与垂直入射的情况做了对比,说明斜入射只能改变衍射条纹的对称性,并不能增加光屏上主极大条纹的条数。

    The distribution of raster diffraction stripe is studied in this paper . Contrasted parallel light inclined incidence with upright incidence , which shows that inclined incidence only changes the symmetry of diffraction stripe , and not increase the number of the main greatest stripe on the screen .

  25. 单缝衍射暗条纹中心距的精确测量

    Precision measurement of the center distance of single slit diffracted dark stripes

  26. 激光单丝衍射附加条纹的探讨

    Research on additive fringes of diffraction by single silk

  27. 无衍射光莫尔条纹法直线度测量仪

    Instrument for straightness measurement using non-diffracting beam and moire fringe

  28. 莫尔偏转法中衍射效应对条纹对比度的影响&相干光照明

    The Influence of Diffraction Effect on Frings Contrast in Measuring Phase Objects by Moire Deflectometry * by Coherent Light

  29. 讨论了对相位差为非严格90°的衍射光栅干涉条纹两路正弦信号的椭圆拟合算法的实现;

    The realization of ellipse fit algorithm for two sinusoidal signal of diffraction grating with non-strict 90 ° phase dispatch is discussed .

  30. 具体介绍测量系统的构成,细丝衍射原理,条纹图象采集和处理,测量精度分析。

    The composition of the measuring system , thread diffraction principle , stripe image collection and processing are introduced and the measuring accuracy is analysed .