
xínɡ zhènɡ xué
  • science of administration;science of public administration
  1. 摘要“群体心态学”是与政治学、心理学、行政学等学科相关的边缘学科。

    Group psychology is an inter-discipline that is related to such disciplines as politics , psychology and science of administration .

  2. 从行政学的角度看,组织权威的缺失是本次改革失败的主要原因。

    In terms of the science of administration , the key reason for the failure of his reform lies in the lack of an organizational authority .

  3. 公共管理学与公共行政学或行政管理学的分与合

    The Difference and Unity of the Three Translations of Public Administration

  4. 略论中国行政学教育与行政学学科建设

    On the Education and Subject Construction of Administration Science in China

  5. 行政学产生前西方行政思想理论构架

    Theoretical Construction of Western Administration Thoughts Before the Foundation of Administration

  6. 第二部分论述了公共行政学国际刊物的阶梯;

    The Second Part introduces the ladder of International Academic Journals .

  7. 中国行政学学科建设:困境与出路

    The Dilemma and Outlet of the Chinese Public Administration Disciplinary Construction

  8. 试论公共行政学硕士培养中的一些基本问题

    On Some Basic Problems in Public Administration Science Master 's Education

  9. 组织间网络理论:公共行政学的新视野

    Theory of Interorganizational Network : New Field in Public Administration

  10. 批判与进步理论在公共行政学中的跨文化运用

    Cross-Cultural Application of Critical and Progressive Theories in Public Administration

  11. 指向真实实践的中国行政学研究:一个亟待关注的问题

    Towards Real Practice : A Concerned Question of Chinese Public Administration Studies

  12. 叙事研究在中国公共行政学研究中的运用

    The Application of Narrative Study in the Research of Chinese Public Administration

  13. 公共行政学发展理路之反思

    Reflection on the Way to the Development of Public Administration

  14. 基于行政学原理的区域旅游不合作研究

    Research on the Regional Tourism Non-cooperation Based on the Theory of Administration

  15. 长江三角洲一体化的行政学思考

    The Administrative Study on the Integration of Yangtze River Delta

  16. 西方公共行政学的行政范式与价值取向变迁

    The changes of administrative model and value of the western public administration

  17. 我国公共行政学博士学位论文的质量评估与比较分析

    Assessment and Comparison of Chinese Doctoral Dissertations in Public Administration

  18. 对我国行政学几个基本概念的思考

    Thinking about Several Basic Concepts of Science of Administration

  19. 行政学案例教学之我见

    My Viewpoint on the Case Teaching of Administrative Science

  20. 只有这样,中国行政学才会有一条好的出路。

    Only do it , the Chinese Public Administration has a good outlet .

  21. 基于公共行政学的土地管理系统评价

    Land management system assessment based on the public administration

  22. 行政学研究什么

    What does the Science of Public Administration Study

  23. 伍德岁•威尔逊最大的历史贡献就在于使行政学美国化。

    Maximal historical contribution of Woodrow Wilson lies on Americanizing the public administration science .

  24. 新公共行政学带给我们怎样的启示

    Inspiration That New Public Administration Brings to Us

  25. 略论新世纪之初中国行政学的发展

    On the Development of Chinese Administrative Science at the Beginning of the New Century

  26. 发展壮大县域经济的行政学思考

    Administrative ideas on contemporary China county economy development

  27. 香港城市大学公共及社会行政学系

    " Department of public and social administration , City University of Hong kong "

  28. 在公共行政学上,政治与行政二分的提出有着巨大意义。

    In public administration , the dichotomy of politic and administration has made great significance .

  29. 试论财政支出制度改革的行政学意义

    Administrative Meanings of Fiscal Expenditure System Reform

  30. 20世纪行政学发展回顾

    The Phylogeny of the Science of Public Administration in 20 ~ ( th ) Century