
  • 网络Sellar region;Sellar area;CTorMRI
  1. 蝶鞍区肿瘤误诊分析

    Analysis of the Wrong Diagnosis of Tumors in Sellar Area

  2. 目的探讨鼻内镜下处理蝶鞍区疾病更直接、安全、微创、有效的手术方法。

    Objective To explore more direct , safe and minimally invasive approach under endoscopy to treat the diseases in sphenoid sinus and sellar area .

  3. MRI导航下的内窥镜经蝶鞍区肿瘤切除术

    Frameless MRI Image-Guided endoscopic transsphenoidal removal of tumor of sellar region

  4. CO2激光显微技术治疗蝶鞍区肿瘤

    CO_2 laser-microscopy technique in treating tumors near the sella turcica

  5. 蝶鞍区颈内动脉的临床解剖研究

    Clinical anatomy of internal carotid arteries in sella turcica region

  6. 蝶鞍区肿瘤的图形视诱发电位分析

    Analysis of pattern visual-evoked potential in sella turcica region tumour

  7. 视野缺损对蝶鞍区肿瘤诊断及治疗的意义

    The significance of perimetry in diagnosis and therapeutic assessment of sellar tumor

  8. 后筛窦气化发育对蝶鞍区手术的影响

    Development of the Posterior Ethmoid Sinus Affects the Surgical Approach Via Saddle Area

  9. 经蝶鞍区病变切除术后低钠血症的发生率较高;

    Postoperative hyponatremia after transsphenoidal saddle area surgery is of very high prevalence .

  10. 目的:为蝶鞍区肿瘤手术提供垂体动脉的显微外科解剖学资料。

    Objective : To provide the microanatomic data for tumorectomy in sella turcica region .

  11. 经鼻内镜蝶鞍区手术蝶窦壁的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the sphenoid sinus wall under transnasal endoscopic surgery of the sellar region

  12. 蝶鞍区生殖细胞瘤的鉴别诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Sellar Germinoma

  13. 结果:蝶鞍区肿瘤以垂体瘤居多(81.8%)。

    Results Among sellar tumors , pituitary adenomas are more common than other typal tumors ( 81.8 % ) .

  14. 探讨P&VEP在蝶鞍区肿瘤诊断中的价值。

    Objective : To explore the value of pattern visual-evoked potential ( P-VEP ) in diagnosis of sella turcica region tumour .

  15. 目的:为了了解后筛窦气化发育对前颅底外科及蝶鞍区手术的影响及术前指导意义。

    Objective : To find out the influence of development of the posterior ethmoid sinus on surgical approach via saddle area .

  16. 结论:后筛窦影像解部分型分度对前颅底外科及蝶鞍区手术具有实际的指导意义。

    Conclusion : The imaging anatomic classification of posterior ethmoid sinus has the instructive significance for basicranial surgery and the surgical approach via saddle area .

  17. 结论熟悉蝶鞍区解剖结构有助于开展经鼻蝶入路切除鞍区肿瘤手术的准确定位及术中安全操作。

    Conclusion The knowledge of the anatomy of the sellar region is helpful to the precise location and safe operation in the transsphenoidal surgery for the tumor in the sellar region .

  18. 蝶窦鞍区非垂体源性占位性病变的诊断

    The diagnosis of non pituitary space occupied lesions in sphenoidal sinus and sellar area

  19. 经鼻腔内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术解剖及其临床应用

    Anatomy study and clinical application of transnasal endoscopic surgery on sellar area of sphenoid sinus

  20. 目的:为经鼻内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术提供解剖学参数和临床经验。

    To provide anatomical parameter and clinical experience for transnasal endoscopic surgery on sellar area of sphenoid sinus .

  21. 结论:进行内窥镜蝶窦鞍区手术时注意蝶窦口、蝶窦外侧壁和蝶鞍底壁与周围结构关系,避免损伤重要血管神经。

    Conclusion : Particular attention should be given to sphenoid ostia , sella and neurovascular structures in the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus during endoscopic surgery on sellar area .

  22. 神经内镜下经鼻蝶手术治疗鞍区及斜坡肿瘤

    Transnasal endoscopic surgery for anterior skull base and sella region tumors

  23. 单鼻孔经蝶内镜下鞍区肿瘤手术的研究神经内镜结合导航下经鼻蝶入路治疗鞍区肿瘤

    Image-guided Endoscopic Transnasal Transsphenoidal Approach for the Treatment of the Tumor in the Sellar Region

  24. 经鼻蝶内镜下鞍区手术后颅底多层重建技术内窥镜技术在神经外科手术中的应用研究

    Multilayered reconstruction of skull base after surgery of sellar region by endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach Clinical Application of Endoscopic Techniques to Neurosurgery for Intracranial Lesions

  25. 垂体瘤需与Rathke囊肿、空蝶鞍综合症、鞍区动脉瘤、鞍区脑膜瘤、颅咽管瘤等鞍区病变相鉴别。

    It is indispensable to distinguish from the Rathke cyst , empty sella syndrome , saddle area aneurysms , saddle area meningioma , Cranial pharynx article and Other Saddle area lesions .

  26. 经鼻腔-蝶窦径路蝶鞍区手术的相关解剖

    Applied anatomy for transnasal operation of sella turcica region

  27. 目的为经鼻蝶入路切除鞍区肿瘤提供手术解剖学资料。

    Objective To provide the anatomical data for transsphenoidal surgery for the sellar region tumor .

  28. 目的测量蝶窦及蝶鞍区手术解剖数据,为临床应用提供依据。

    Objective To study the surgical anatomic data of the sphenoid and the sella turcica region .

  29. 目的为了介绍神经内镜单鼻孔经蝶入路切除鞍区病变后行蝶鞍修复的技术方法与临床效果。

    Objective To describe techniques and clinical effects used in repair of the sella turcica during ( endoscopic ) endonasal transsphenoidal surgery for sellar region lesions .

  30. 目的观察蝶窦和蝶鞍区的解剖结构,探讨其毗邻关系和临床意义。

    Objective To study the structures and their configurational relationship of the sphenoid sinus and the sellar region in order to provide anatomical data for clinical application .