
  1. 蝶和蛾的主要分类依据是成虫翅上按一定规律排列的鳞片所形成的斑纹色彩。

    Butterfly and moth are classified mainly , according to the brindled color formed by scales arranged in a certain pattern .

  2. 调查了西安地区鳞翅目昆虫动态及哮喘蝶、蛾致敏原种类。

    The trends of the Lepidoptera insects were investigated , and the kinds of their allergens in asthma were stuided in Xi'an areas .

  3. 通过蝶/蛾复眼碳化制备高效减反性能材料,自然启示我们即便利用较为简单的材料,只要通过合理精巧的结构微设计,就可以有效改善材料的光学性能。

    And Nature inspires us that , even with relatively simple materials , so long as we have the rational structure of micro-compact design , we can effectively improve the optical properties of our materials .

  4. 专门收集和研究蝶类和蛾类的昆虫学家。

    An entomologist who specializes in the collection and study of butterflies and moths .