
kuò yú
  • slug;Limax
蛞蝓 [kuò yú]
  • [slug] 即蜒蚰。俗名鼻涕虫,形似去壳的蜗牛

蛞蝓[kuò yú]
  1. 蛞蝓提取物抑制A549细胞及其小鼠移植瘤的生长

    Inhibition Effect of Limax Extract in Growth of A549 Cell Line and Tumorigenicity in Mice

  2. 目的观察蛞蝓提取物(LE)对体外培养人肺癌(A549)细胞及其小鼠移植瘤生长的影响。

    Objective To investigate the inhibition effect of Limax extract ( LE ) in the growth of human lung cancer A549 cell line in vitro and tumorigenicity in mice .

  3. 农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

    Farmers are struggling to cope with an invasion of slugs .

  4. 蛞蝓以腐烂的动植物为食。

    Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material .

  5. 蛞蝓会破坏长出的新芽。

    Slugs play merry hell with emerging shoots .

  6. 方法:采用倒置显微镜下观察和台盼蓝染色、DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳、MTT等方法,观察体外培养的H14被蛞蝓粗提物作用后的形态学及生化变化。

    Methods : MTT method , DNA gel electrophoresis , cell stain and microscope observation .

  7. 蛞蝓粗提物对Hela细胞的抑制作用及其活性成分的研究

    Study on Inhibitive Effect of Limax Extracts on Hela and Study on the Active Component

  8. 目的:研究蛞蝓粗提物对体外培养的人子宫颈癌细胞Hela的抑制作用,并进一步探讨蛞蝓抗癌有效成分。

    Objective : To study the inhibitive effect of Limax extracts on Hela in culture .

  9. 蛞蝓合并加温对荷S(37)NIH小鼠的治疗作用

    The therapeutic effect of hyperthermia combined with Limax on mice bearing s_ ( 37 ) sarcoma

  10. 而AK127细胞在蛞蝓体的初期也表现为震荡信号,然后PKA的活性到达的水平与其在聚集时期相当。

    While AK127 cells have the same oscillatory waves at the beginning of slug stage , then the activity of PKA reach the level of the aggregation stage .

  11. 通过6a系统调查,在云南省香料烟主产区烟田内共发现7目31科88种昆虫和野蛞蝓、灰巴蜗牛2种软体动物危害云南冬春香料烟。

    In a six-year investigation carried out in tobacco fields in Yunnan , a total of 88 insect species belonging to 31 families , 7 orders , and 2 kinds of mollusc were found in the oriental tobacco fields .

  12. 在蛞蝓体时期,PKA的活性在KAX-3细胞细胞中表现为振荡波,并且在此期的最后阶段,有一个大的振幅,这可能是为了最终的发育做准备。

    At slug stage , the activity of PKA in KAX-3 cells functions in the form of oscillatory waves , and has a large amplitude at the end of this stage , which could prepare for terminal differentiation .

  13. 究竟是乌贼、蚂蚁、蛞蝓还是伞菌呢?

    Is it a squid , ant , slug or mushroom ?

  14. 烟草野蛞蝓发生危害规律及其综合防治研究

    Occurrence pattern of Agriolimax agrestis in tobacco fields and its integrated control

  15. 蛞蝓变形虫、大变形虫的采集和室内培养

    Probe into Obtaining and Cultivating Slug Amoebas and Amoeba Proteus Pallas Indoors

  16. 蛞蝓的祖先以藻类为食。

    The ancestors of the slug lived on a diet of algae .

  17. 研究人员在蛞蝓幼体体内发现了还没吃过的东西的基因。

    Researchers found the genes even in juveniles that have never eaten .

  18. 所以,这种珊瑚和海蛞蝓所体现的双曲几何到底是什麽?

    So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody ?

  19. 渺小的庭院蛞蝓能把身体伸长而钻进虫子洞里。

    The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes .

  20. 蛞蝓对人肺鳞癌、肺腺癌细胞抑癌作用初探

    Preliminary study of slug on non-small cell lung cancer

  21. 蜗牛和蛞蝓爬过后留下粘液痕迹。

    Snails and slugs leave a trail of mucus .

  22. 蛞蝓多糖体外抗乙型肝炎病毒作用研究

    Studies on Anti-HBV Effect in vitro of Limax Polysaccharide

  23. 海蛞蝓有三千多个品种许多专门猎捕一种猎物

    There are over 3000 species , many hunt just one specific prey .

  24. 这里也有掠食动物例如这些海蛞蝓

    There are hunters here too , like these nudibranchs , or sea slugs .

  25. 蜗牛、蛞蝓及其近亲。

    Snails and slugs and their relatives .

  26. 蛞蝓胶囊对实验性肺气肿合并肺动脉高压的治疗作用

    Therapeutic effect of slug capsule on experimental emphysema complicated with pulmonary artery hypertension in hamsters

  27. 足襞蛞蝓氨基酸组成分析

    Amino Acid Analysis of Guangxi Baise Slug

  28. 蛞蝓和蜗牛夜间进食。

    Slugs and snails feed at night .

  29. 把除蛞蝓药撒在表面上。

    Pepper the surface with slug pellets .

  30. 目的:研究蛞蝓多糖体外抗乙型肝炎病毒的作用。

    Objective : To study the in-vitro inhibitory of limax polysaccharide on hepatitis B virus .
