
qián xìn
  • pious;piety
虔信 [qián xìn]
  • [pious] 虔诚

虔信[qián xìn]
  1. 宗教在现代社会中并没有消亡,只是转换成为以个人虔信为存在依托的宗教。

    Religion in modern society will not die out , but exists based on the personal piety .

  2. 假如一个人一点都不想象基督教徒那样死去,那他就必定抛弃一切虔信了。但是他们如果想在大型机构里取得成功,恐怕只能抛弃这些独立见解了。

    A man must renounce piety altogether , if he does not at least wish to die like a Christian . I fear that if they plan to be successful in big organisations in the future they will have that knocked out of them in time .

  3. 道德信仰是人们对高尚道德的虔信、敬畏与奉行。

    Moral belief is people 's sincereness , reverence and pursuance .

  4. 保罗认为这很重要,因为那是上帝的虔信。

    This is important for Paul because that 's God 's faithfulness .

  5. 克雷神父那种充满虔信的惊叫使他非常气恼。

    The pious ejaculations of father clay irritated him .

  6. 他虔信宗教,对物质上的享受不感兴趣。

    He is very religious ; corporeal world has little interest for him .

  7. 这本质上是广泛地追随柴坦尼亚的一场虔信运动。

    This is essentially a bhakti movement , broadly following the precedents of Caitanya .

  8. 你那虔信基督再生的母亲,会想要一个非婚生的试管婴儿当她的孙子?

    Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock ?

  9. 他接下去说,最主要的是邦主应当显得虔信宗教。

    He goes on to say that , above all , a prince should seem to be religious .

  10. 但是,那些跟随虔信道路的人会寻求神的化身,享受巴克提的甜蜜。

    But those who follow the path of devotion seek an Incarnation of God , to enjoy the sweetness of bhakti .

  11. 我可没资格随便乱谈象丁梅斯代尔牧师先生那样有学问又虔信《圣经》的牧师!

    It is not for me to talk lightly of a learned and pious minister of the Word , like the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale !

  12. 他对我们虔信的人,所施展的强有力而见效的德能是怎样的伟大。

    And what is the exceeding greatness of his power towards us , who believe according to the operation of the might of his power .

  13. 幽灵存在的靠得住证据至今照旧无从取得,虔信不疑的目击者们却依然在继续陈诉本身看到幽灵、拍到幽灵乃至与幽灵交换的经验。

    Though definitive proof for the existence of ghosts remains elusive , sincere eyewitnesses continue to report seeing , photographing , and even communicating with ghosts .

  14. 主要指的是:1,哈弗罗斯的思想在认识论上是相对主义。2,在社会学层面是虔信主义和宗派主义。

    It mainly refers to : 1 , Hauerwas ' thought is relativism in epistemology ; 2 , fideism and sectarianism in sociology ; 3 , irresponsibility in public political life .