
hǔ yǎn shí
  • tiger's-eye;tiger-eye;tiger-ite
虎眼石[hǔ yǎn shí]
  1. 蓝虎眼石有一项很特别的功能,就是可以加快事物的形成。

    Blue tiger 's eye has a very special function , which can accelerate the things .

  2. 虎眼石:有助于治疗创伤,擦伤,视力和咽喉的疾病。用于第五个穴位。

    Tiger 's Eye : Helps heal wounds , bruises , eyes and throat . 5 th chakra .

  3. 虎眼石和发晶协助发展对建立在统一之上领导方式的理解,其中每个成员都将其才能和天赋贡献给整个群体。

    Rutilated quartz and tigers eye assist in developing an understanding of leadership founded upon unity where each contributes their gifts and talents unto the whole of the group .