
  • 网络fairy ring;Mushroom Circle
  1. 蘑菇圈土壤的MB-C与其发育过程有密切关系。

    The MB-C in soil of the fairy ring has associated with the process of the ring 's developing .

  2. 草原蘑菇圈的土壤-植物系统研究

    Soil-vegetation system surround the fairy ring in steppe

  3. 蘑菇圈上四孢蘑菇个体间遗传差异的ISSR分析

    Genetic Relationships Between Agaricus campestris Fruit Bodies from Fairy Rings Based on ISSR Markers

  4. 青海高寒草甸蘑菇圈的研究

    Study on the mushroom fairy-ring of alpine meadow in Qinghai province

  5. 蒙古口蘑蘑菇圈土壤微生物类群的分布研究

    A Study on Soil Microbial Distribution in the Fairy Rings of Tricholoma Mongolicum

  6. 黄绿蜜环菌蘑菇圈生长对土壤及植物群落的影响

    Effects of fairy ring growth of Armillaria luteo-virens on soil fertility and plant community

  7. 高寒草甸蘑菇圈土壤有机&无机复合体差热分析研究

    Differential Thermal Analyses of Organo - Mineral Complexes Affected by Mushroom in Alpine Meadow

  8. 草原蘑菇圈土壤生物化学活性的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Biochemical Activities in Soil Around the Fairy Rings in Grassland

  9. 她想站在蘑菇圈里面,因为她从书上知道,这样做会有奇特的事情发生。

    She wanted to stand in it because she read that something special would happen .

  10. 草原蘑菇圈对牧草长势影响的初步分析

    Preliminary study of the effects of fairy ring of grassland on the growth of herbage

  11. 结果表明:蘑菇圈带上的植物地上生物量比蘑菇圈外高215%;

    The results showed that the aboveground biomass inside the sphere was215 % more than outside ;

  12. 蘑菇圈主要是由于菌丝体的代谢产物而不是由于菌丝体分解生成的氮素所引起的。

    It is clearly shown that Fairy Ring is caused mainly by the metabolites of the mycelium rather than nitrogen source from the decomposition of the mycelium .

  13. 1994年测定了高寒草甸白蘑菇圈与蘑菇圈外植物的地上生物量、营养成分和土壤养分。结果表明:蘑菇圈带上的植物地上生物量比蘑菇圈外高215%;

    The aboveground biomass , nutrients and soil nutrients of mushroom sphere and plants outside the sphere in alpine meadow were determined in 1994 . The results showed that the aboveground biomass inside the sphere was 215 % more than outside ;