
ruǐ zhù
  • style
  1. 产于北美的一种兰花,花紫色适有白色,萼片和花瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。

    North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white ; sepals and petals form a hood .

  2. 原位杂交表明两者在正在发育的花瓣和唇瓣的边缘和尖端,正在发育的蕊柱,和胚珠中有表达。

    In-situ hybridization experiments detected both genes in the tips and margins of developing petals and lips , the developing column , and ovule .

  3. 雄蕊合生的结构还可能进一步与柱头或花柱合生在一起,形成“合蕊柱”一类的复杂结构。

    The structure formed by stamen fusion can be further fused with style and a gynostemium is always formed , such as in Aristolochiaceae and Stylidiaceae .

  4. 答:因为兰花的生殖器官就是以这个合蕊柱为代表,你看它形象有多美。

    Answer : because the reproductive organs of the Arethusa be with this matches the close column pillar for represent , you see its image have much beautiful .

  5. 现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的。

    The infrageneric classification currently in use for Cymbidium is based on gross morphology , with emphasis on the number of pollinia and state of fusion between lip and column .
