
  1. 桑德伯格周二晚间在北京的一个新书推广活动中拒绝与媒体交流。新闻办网站上说,当天早些时候她与蔡名照会面,就Facebook平台对中国企业拓展海外市场的重要作用进行了探讨。

    Ms. Sandberg , who declined to speak to media during a book promotion event Tuesday night in Beijing , met with Mr. Cai earlier in the day to discuss Facebook 's role helping Chinese enterprises expand abroad , according to the government site .

  2. 论坛执行主席、新华通讯社社长蔡名照表示,媒体在促进金砖国家的合作中发挥着重要作用,尤其是在人文交流方面。

    BRICS Media Forum Executive Chairman and Xinhua News Agency President Cai Mingzhao says media has an important role to play to promote cooperation - especially regarding people to people exchanges among BRICS countries .

  3. 相反,桑德伯格与蔡名照的会面显示出,对于美国科技公司来说,中国经济以及中国公司的崛起意味着中国现在日渐成为广告收入的重要来源。

    Instead , Ms. Sandberg 's meeting shows that for U.S. tech companies , the rise of the Chinese economy -- and in turn Chinese companies -- means the country is now an increasingly important source of advertising dollars .

  4. 报道包括桑德伯格与蔡名照以正式的姿势并肩站着的合影,背景中有一面垂着的中国国旗,这是中国官员在所有形式的正式访问中通常采取的惯例安排。

    The post includes a photo of Ms. Sandberg and Mr. Cai standing next to each other in the formal pose with a Chinese flag drooping in the background -- a routine setup usually taken by Chinese officials during all manners of state visits .