
  • 网络plum pudding;spotted dick;Raisin pudding
  1. 也许我朋友想要点葡萄干布丁。

    Perhaps my friend might like some spotted dick .

  2. 的信息了,我甚至屏蔽了每日来自食堂的邮件,信中通常会告诉我晚餐的菜单包括面托烤香肠以及葡萄干布丁。

    I even block the daily email from the canteen telling me that its toad in the hole and spotted dick on the menu tonight .

  3. 整三年如果你吃了那个葡萄干布丁的话就这么定了

    Three years flat if you eat that plum pudding ! Done

  4. 我有一个条件你再吃一个葡萄干布丁

    On one condition . Have another plum pudding

  5. 他们的标准大餐烤鹅和葡萄干布丁。

    Their standard feast-roast goose and plum pudding .

  6. 我有一套完全一样的葡萄干布丁菜谱,准备起来要花6个小时。

    I have the same recipe for English Plum Pudding . It takes six hours to prepare .

  7. 另外还备有葡萄干布丁、肉馅饼、各种其它食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁。

    There will be plum pudding , mince pie , other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash .

  8. 圣诞的火鸡、越桔甜酱、葡萄干布丁、甜馅饼&一古脑儿都挤在小小丸里,只等扩大膨胀。

    Christmas turkey , cranberry sauce , plum pudding , mince pie-it was all there , all jammed into that little pill and only waiting to expand .

  9. 我也有做英式葡萄干夹心布丁的配方。

    I have the same recipe for English plum pudding .