
yínɡ yǎnɡ hé
  • vegetative nucleus;trophic nucleus
  1. 生殖细胞核孚尔根染色反应要比营养核以及后来形成的两个精核的染色深,生殖细胞与营养核PAS反应均为阳性。

    The intensity of colour in generative nucleus by using Feulgen reaction was deeper than vegetative nucleus and two sperms forming later . The generative cell and vegetative nucleus gave a positive reaction to PAS stain .

  2. 胚性花粉粒是由营养核的重复分裂形成的。

    Embryogenic pollen was formed by repeated divisions of the vegetative nucleus .

  3. 营养核无核仁及染色质,与生殖细胞相连形成雄性生殖单位(malegermunit)。

    The vegeta - tive nucleus without nucleolus without nucleolus and chromatin is associated with generative cell to form a male germ unit .

  4. 中央大液泡的形成使得小孢子具有极性,极性小孢子有丝分裂一次形成二胞花粉,在细胞核(营养核及生殖核)中分布的ATPase较多,细胞质中的ATPase较少。

    The mitosis of polar microspore formed a 2-cellular pollen grain . ATPase precipitates were more in both nuclei of vegetative cell and generative cell but less in the cytoplasm .

  5. 花粉成熟时,生殖细胞和营养核构成“雄性生殖单位”(MGU)。

    The mature generative cell has no wall and is connect closely to the vegetative cell , thus they form a male germ unit ( MGU ) .

  6. 朱顶红花粉管中营养核和生殖细胞位置的变换

    Positional shift between the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell in Amaryllis pollen tube

  7. 成熟木材细胞中的细胞核属于营养核,是一个稳定的特征。

    Nuclei in mature xylem cells belong to nutritious nuclei and they are stable .

  8. 10.营养核在精子形成后极度退化。

    10.It is after the formation of sperm cells that the vegetative nucleus degenerates seriously .

  9. 小孢子再经有丝分裂形成营养核和生殖核,生殖核再经有丝分裂形成3-核花粉。

    Vegetative nucleus shows irregular form . the microspores complete the mitosis and generate double-nucleus pollen ;

  10. 传粉时期为包括一个营养核与两个精子的3&细胞花粉。

    Pollination is in 3 - cell period including a vegetative nucleus and the two sperm cells .

  11. 当生殖细胞进人花粉管后,在较短的时间内接近营养核,并与其相贴合。

    After entering the pollen tube , the generative cell approached the vegetative nucleus before long and sticked each other .

  12. 本次研究应用荧光染色与冬青油透明技术观察了花粉中的营养核和生殖细胞,及后来的两精细胞。

    By the fluorescence staining_methyl salicylate clearing technique , the generative and vegetative in pollen , and two sperm cells in pollen were observed .

  13. 在花粉管生长延伸过程中,营养核与生殖核的移动是一个有联系的过程;

    The movement of the generative nuclear and the vegetative nuclear was kept in con-tact with each other during the procedure of the pollen tube growth .

  14. 细胞质索在营养核位移前,或位移后断裂,细胞质分别缩回到两极而索消失。

    Cytoplasmic strand splits before or after the displacing of the vegetative nucleus . Cytoplasm shrink to the two poles , so that the strand disappears gradually .

  15. 这一时期的大核原基体积最大,DNA含量达到最高值,接近营养大核DNA含量的一半。

    When the anlage arrived at the largest size with polytene chromosomes densely packed in it , the DNA contents increased to maximum , i. e. , about one half the DNA contents of the vegetative macronucleus .

  16. 这些结果表明,包囊游仆虫休眠细胞与营养细胞的大核DNA结构存着一定的差异;

    These data hinted that the structures of the macronuclear DNA in the resting and the vegetative cell of EE had some variances .

  17. 结果表明,膜状急纤虫休眠包囊与营养期的大核DNA结构存在显著的差异;两者的线粒体DNA结构也存在较大差异。

    These data suggest that there is variance in the structures of both macronuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA in the resting cyst and the vegetative cells .

  18. 人睫状神经营养因子的原核表达、纯化及其生物效应

    Expression , purification and biological effect of recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor