
  • 网络sprout regeneration;regeneration from sprouts;coppice regeneration
  1. 短轮伐期刚果12号桉的萌芽更新

    The Sprout Regeneration of Eucalyptus ABL 12 for the Short Rotation

  2. 不同直径伐桩对赤桉萌芽更新影响的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Effect of Stump Diameter on Sprout Regeneration of Eucalyptus camaldulensis

  3. 利用I-69杨树伐根萌芽更新与植苗造林的效果

    The effect of the reproduction by sprout of the stump division and the planting trees of poplar I 69

  4. 确定平茬萌芽更新是柠条群落更新的主要途径,可提高地上部分生物量,平茬最佳年龄为4a生。

    Sprouting was determined to be the main method of community renewing , may improve the biomass of the part on the ground , the best age of renew cutting is 4a .

  5. 杉木人工林萌芽更新初探

    An Initial Discussion on Germination Renewal of Chinese Fir Planted Forest

  6. 马褂木等优良菇木树种萌芽更新技术研究

    Study on Regeneration Technique by Sprouting of Trees for Mushroom Cultivation

  7. Ⅰ-69杨纸浆用材林萌芽更新的研究

    A study on coppice with poplar clone ⅱ - 69 for pulp-producing forest

  8. 不同轮伐期和重复采收对大叶相思萌芽更新和林分产量的影响

    Effects of Rotation Length and Repeated Harvesting on the Sprouting Reproduction of Acacia

  9. 杨树农田防护林萌芽更新与植苗更新的对比试验研究

    Comparative Study on Regeneration by Sprout and Planting of Poplar Farm Shelter Forest

  10. 杉木萌芽更新

    Review on the Study of Chinese Fir Sprout Regeneration

  11. 水曲柳萌芽更新的研究

    Study on sprout regeneration of Manchurian Ash

  12. 苏南丘陵杉木萌芽更新的效果分析

    A study on sprout regeneration of Chinese fir in the hilly regions of Southern Jiangsu Province

  13. 人工促进萌芽更新发展常绿阔叶林

    Artificial Promoting Coppice for Developing Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests lateral buds , shoots , branches , etc

  14. 杉木人工林片伐后萌芽更新试验

    An experiment on the reformed sprouts after the stretch cutting of the artificial forest of China fir

  15. 确定萌芽更新是该群落的主要更新途径,采取平茬措施可促进萌蘖,提高地上部生物量。

    Germination is the main regeneration method of this community , and cutting can increase the above ground biomass .

  16. 短周期第2茬萌芽更新(10年主伐)模式也有类似效果。

    It is similar to short period second stubble sprout regeneration ( 10 years old principal felling ) form .

  17. 认为萌芽更新应作为刺槐更新和低产林改造的首选方式。

    Sprout regeneration should be considered as the first choice for black locust reproduction and reclamation of low productive plantations .

  18. 杉木萌芽更新的繁殖基础是休眠芽,其数量对更新成败关系极大。

    Observation for the base parts of sample trees revealed the factors influencing the number of dormant buds of Chinese fir .

  19. 杉木萌芽更新造林技术初探旱林作业对水分因子再分配研究

    A brief research on the afforestation technology of the reformed sprouts of China fir Effects of Dry Afforestation Technology on Water Reallocation

  20. 从萌芽到落叶更新修剪提高了0240cm土层土壤水分,对240cm土层以下的土壤水分无显著影响。

    Renewal pruning increased soil moisture in 0 ~ 240 cm depths , and had no significant effects below 240 cm soil layer from sprout stage to defoliation stage .

  21. 毛白杨根萌芽建立无菌组培体系的研究杉木萌芽更新

    Establishment of Asepsis Tissue Culture System from Suckers of Populus tomentosa Carr . Review on the Study of Chinese Fir Sprout Regeneration

  22. 林分保留郁闭度与伐根萌芽率,优势萌条径、高生长量呈反相关,故萌芽更新的林分保留郁闭度不能超过0.6,以0.5以下为宜。

    Therefore , the reserved closure should not be more than 0.6 and the most suitable closure is 0.5 . Superfluous sprouts on a stump should be removed timely to ensure the growth of dominant sprouts .

  23. 对固定样地调查,采用伐桩的径、高度、萌芽的数量、萌芽的生长情况等指标,分析东北东部林区主要阔叶树种的伐桩萌芽更新规律。

    Based on the investigation of the large plots and typical samples , the environment and biodiversity of the desert grassland area in Xiangshan Mountain , Ningxia were analyzed .